A cruel smile, as cold and sharp as a shard of ice, played on Rudra's lips. The exhaustion that had etched lines on his face seemed to recede, replaced by a mask of chilling focus. "Indeed. Eliminating both threats..." His voice trailed off, a low growl emanating from deep within him. "A productive use of resources."

He leaned forward, his gaze fixing on Laurent. It was a predator's stare, calculating, devoid of warmth. "Find Yashvardhan, Laurent. Leave no stone unturned. And as for this Matteo..." He paused, the silence heavy with anticipation. When he spoke again, his voice was a chilling whisper, the moniker dripping with a madness Laurent had only witnessed a handful of times. "The great RSR needs to send a message."

A glint, devoid of humor, flickered in Rudra's eyes. "A clear, definitive message that this underworld..." He gestured around the room, the implication clear. "It all belongs to me. And no one," his voice dropped to a serpent's hiss, "no one defies the RSR and lives to tell the tale."

The air crackled with a tension so thick it felt like a physical entity in the room. Laurent watched Rudra, the chilling glint in his eyes a stark contrast to the exhaustion etched on his face. He knew a direct challenge would only fan the flames of his fury.

"Patience, Rudra," Laurent said, his voice a steady counterpoint to the storm brewing within Rudra. "Vengeance is a dish best served cold. Let us not allow this serpent's cowardice to unbalance us." He offered a thin smile, hoping to inject some lightness into the suffocating atmosphere. "Besides, wouldn't it be far more satisfying to see the fear in his eyes when he finally faces you, knowing the full weight of the RSR's wrath is upon him?"

A flicker of cold amusement flickered across Rudra's features for a fleeting moment. Perhaps the image of Yashvardhan's inevitable demise held a morbid appeal.

"Speaking of unexpected encounters," Laurent continued, cautiously shifting the subject, "the new arrival,your cute wife.How did the two of you meet?"

The mention of Pihu sent a ripple through Rudra. The icy tension that had gripped him seemed to thaw for a moment, a flicker of warmth replacing the steely glint in his eyes. A hint of a smile played on his lips, fleeting but genuine. It was an expression Laurent, having witnessed Rudra's stoicism for years, recognized as a glimpse of possessiveness, a spark ignited by something precious.

"Pihu," Rudra echoed, the harsh edge to his voice softening momentarily. "She's..." He trailed off, the warmth replaced by a grimace that spoke volumes. His voice grew low, tinged with a weariness that surprised Laurent. "It's a long story, Laurent."

Laurent leaned back in his chair, intrigued. He'd never seen Rudra so conflicted. "Time is something we have in abundance right now," he offered gently. "Perhaps a distraction from the hunt would be welcome."

Rudra hesitated, then sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. The air crackled with unspoken emotions. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and strained. "It all started a few months ago.When she saved my life from a bullet." A flicker of awe crossed his features, a stark contrast to the grim set of his jaw moments before. "Her bravery, her fighting spirit... it was unlike anything I'd ever seen. I fell for her, Laurent. Completely and utterly.But Pihu..."

He paused, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the armrests of his chair. The silence stretched, heavy with unspoken regret.

"She didn't feel the same?" Laurent prompted carefully, sensing the unspoken turmoil within Rudra.

Rudra's gaze drifted to a distant point, lost in memories. "No, she didn't return my feelings," he admitted, his voice laced with a bitterness he couldn't quite mask. "Back then, I was consumed by a need to have her by my side. Blinded by that need, I..." He stopped, his jaw clenching for a moment before he continued, his voice barely a whisper, "I married her forcefully."

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