“You drink blood? The very fluid that sustains life.”

“Yes, you have problem with it? What's stopping other creatures from drinking your blood?” Warrick snapped.

“They don't kill.”

“Last time I checked, a mosquito is pretty dangerous, especially if it has Maleria and it's left untreated.” Warrick caught sight of Devon glaring.

“If it's any help to ease you. We only drink the blood that's available from the animal the chefs slay to prepare everyone's meat for their meals.”

Dan hasn't said a word yet, not that he wanted to. Alpha suddenly smirked, nodding at Wennie.

“Zelda. Dan.”  Both turned to Alpha.

“I have a proposition.”
Zelda narrowed her eyes. Devon frowned, too.

“Zelda, Dan has grown quite well with his vamperic side, but the werewolf half, we need some help there.”

“You want me to train him?” Zelda asked, offended. “No.”

“I agree.” Dan said. Devon's eyes widen, hearing how empty Dan had sounded.

“Finish his training, Zelda, and you're free to leave. After each training session, you don't have to see each other.” Alpha proposed.

Dan glared at Zelda. “Zelda.” Alpha looked at her, his eyes a dangerous purple. “This is for the sake for the future of the pack. When I say, you may leave afterwards, I meant you may leave.”

“What's going to happen if she leaves for good?” Eric suddenly piped in before Zelda could swear Alpha intk an oblivion.

“Eric, are you aware what happens to lone wolves. That's to say, wolves that left the pack to go on on their own.”

“Typically, survival and protection is low and usually lone wolves have trouble finding mates of their own and hunting is a mission and a half.”

“Now add that logic to a werewolf.” Alpha said. “Whatever happens afterwards, would be on her.”

Zelda looked down at the table. It wouldn't be a wise leave to never ever come back. Of course, there's more to it. Alpha is merely not going to explain it any further.

“Dan, if I should pass away one day, the bit of the Alpha Spirit that's in me, will have to inhabit you. You're next in line. Should you pass away, Wennie is next in line.” Alpha said.

“I refuse, brother! You can't make me.” Zelda snapped.

“Refuse, and you never come back here. I love you, sister. But as I said, everyone's safety is my responsibility.”

“You're unbelievable.” Zelda said under breath, looking at Alpha with shock.
Warrick looked at each person as they talked.

“Honey, please.” Eric held Zelda's hand. “Please, just give a few hours to talk about this.” Eric said, looking at Alpha pleadingly.

Alpha nodded, Zelda immediately being lead away by Eric.
Dan glared at her as she walked past them.

When his gaze met the girls, it softened. The girls seemed to relax when he smiled at them.

“I'm sorry that you had to see that. Now, why don't we eat something?” Alpha asked with a smile.

Devon smiled at Dan. “Were you really Prince Devon's Pet?”

“I was.” Dan answered, awkwardly. “And I'm glad he's the one that bought me.” Dan said, his cheeks going slightly red.

“Devon, if I may ask, is there anything we should know about the place that sold him to you?” Alpha asked.

 In Love With A Monster©Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora