Chapter 11 [ part 2 ]

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" You are a brave boy...." we could hear a sweet cooing voice and when we looked up I thought I saw a goddess. I think she is zoya ...eldest daughter in law of the house. She is wearing sari , a bright smile on her face . She is holding a cute baby in her lap...probably arav. She stopped looking towards me , her smile disappeared .

 Her sweet baby face turned cold. I don't know why but I am getting some bad feelings about it. She walked over with the little baby in her lap. " Their is she....Zoya come meet with khushi. " said Aditya getting up from his sit. 

she gave a formal smile and a nod. " Hey ! champ you're home. " said kabir and took little guy in his lap. " Be careful...he is little cranky , got his shot today on his right leg . " said zoya with a mild smile which is a real one. Than she turned towards me and said " Welcome in our house. " she said very formally. 

" Thank you. " was all I could reply to her. " I have brought a little gift for Aarav . " I said and handed her the little stuffed animal which I bought for him. " How sweet of you..." she said and took the toy from my hand and handed it to Aarav. we all sat together and I don't know why I feel like she is judging me so hard. 

" So you're in relationship ...but why your story has so many loop holes in it ? " she asked me. I feel like I am being interrogated. " You don't have to play detective..." said Arnav in a cold voice. she smiled and said " why ? Are you scared ? " I am having a feeling that she knows something. 

" I am not scared....its just you don't have to interfere in my life so much. " said Arnav in a cold voice. " Like I am interested...I wasn't even talking with you...why do you care ?" she answered him and Arnav kind of ignored her. Its a full drama here. 

" So few days ago when you accidently revealed that your dating Arnav it was a huge chaos in the town....must be nice to have so much attention. " she said and I don't know why she is so much unhappy about the whole thing or why she is in ' I am going to expose you mode. '. 

" Zoya ...that's not very nice. " said Aditya . " Sorry...didn't mean to hurt anyone. " she said but I don't think she mean it. The tense air got lighter when the little one started saying " mi..mi" said the little one and honestly I don't know what he was saying but he surely like something that's in my dress. 

" zoya has a younger sister whom Aarav calls mimi...I think he mistook you for her " explained kabir. Since the kid was having its arms spread to come in my lap I took him. He is really cute I must say. "'re so cute. " I told him giving him a kiss. He has baby powder smell on him which is soo adorable. 

I was playing with him but I think I pressed his right leg little cause he started crying. Zoya stood up and hurriedly took him from me. " If you can't hold a baby don't try to hold one. " she said trying to make him calm. " It was just an accident I didn't mean to hurt him. " I told her. But she listen me and left the room with her baby. 

" I am so sorry about what happened .." said Aditya looking little sad. " Its fine...I should have been more careful. When my sister became mother she would guard her kid with a sword and shout at anyone who would touch her baby without washing her hand. So its okay. " I told him and the mood lighten again. 

we talked about various other matters. Than we had lunch together. Zoya has not joined us for lunch. " Beta we would like to meet with your parents and set a date ..." said Aunty and well what else can I say. I gave them my parents number. And they fixed a date to meet and talk about other thinks. 

Aunty gave me lots of gifts. It was a nice lunch. Arnav offered me to drive me home and I have not refused him. we were silent for most of the ride. " I am sorry for bhabi's behaviour. " he said with a guilty face. " If you don't mind me asking can I ask you why she didn't like me ?" I asked him. 

" Its not like she hates you...she hates me and she did something very bad in my life so we are in bad terms. " he said and well I don't want to ask him more about it. we reached home together and he came in for a cup of coffee. 

As we entered my building we got a delicious smell...laxmi must be cooking something. " Hey lux where are you ?" I called her. " In the kitchen " she shouted and walked out of the kitchen holding a tray full of cookies. Her face covered in flour and food colouring. 

" Is it Holi already ? " asked Arnav. " I was trying to make cookie like my professor showed me and they are never good..." she said with grumpy face. I can't believe that her food can be bad. Arnav took a cookie ate it and said " Its will get full marks for it. " he said sitting on a chair. I went behind the counter to make coffee for him. 

" My professor ...he will say ' you made them dry ' or ' okay they will do '. " she said , for few days she has been complaining about her professor...I wonder who that guy is.  " once he threw my cupcakes in the trash can. "  she said making a sad face. " I am sure this time he will like your work did a good job." he said and I think that motivated her a little. Its so easy for him to connect with my family while I am literally struggling. And the only person who can help me now is....samrat.

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