Chapter 2

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" Get up you lazy girl..." and that shout woke devils up from their graves...including me. All night I was worrying about my lies and didn't slept well...and now she is shouting.

That's my best friend sahara shouting at me to get up. " Girl...why in earth are you shouting so early in the morning ? " I asked her rubbing my tired eyes .

She looks terrified...she sat with her phone in her hand. She looks must be important.

" Okay, what's going on? " I asked her. " you attended your sisters  baby shower yesterday right? " she asked and I nodded. But she knew where I was going....than why is she freaking out?

" Did you take a family picture? " she asked and I nodded. " On the room where you hang picture of you and your so called boyfriend. " Why is she asking in such details. Well I kept nodding.

" well have a look.  " She said handing me her phone. I looked at it and my heart stopped. My mother has posted that picture and now more than a thousand comments are there in the post. All negative comments...people thinking of me as a gold digger, a liar, some envying my luck and what not.

In total one mistake and now  I am talking about the town now. Everyone is talking about me. My family has messaged me saying why dont I clear the confusion?, Not to get worried as according to them its a true news but not according to me.

" what the hell....when it happened? How? " I asked her. " Dont ask me...I was scrolling my phone and my eyes caught it....its trending news in the social media right now....a single news being number 1 for twelve hours straight....thats a new record. " Said sahara and I am loosing it with every word she is saying.

" can't we delete it ? " I asked her.
" has billion you deleting the post  will creat more problems....not solve it.  The whole town will know you're lying. " she said, well I would have told my parents that its a lie...but now the whole town knows.

" what should I do sahara? " I asked her...she is as nervous as me. " I have no idea girl...all I know is that you're in huge trouble...." she said and that makes so much sense.

" What will happene if Arnav sen sees the news? will he sue me? what will I do? " I asked again knowing she will have no answer.

Arnav sen has one of the best lawyer in the town....samrat choudhary. He is particularly devil in the courtroom...even the judges scare him. If ge does something I am soo done.

" We can do one thing...." said sahara. I looked at her hopefully. " Lets pack our bags and leave....we will be back when everything is calm and quite. Lets go somewhere near and hide. " She suggested.

" I can Just hide here till everything cools down...." I told her. " That is not going to happen....come here. " said sahara who walked towards the window for some fresh air and something stopped her breathing.

I walked over...big group of reporters and media present their. All shouting and pushing each other....I am soo done.

Aditya sen ( POV )

" she is a doctor....loves her fsmily. What about her? " I asked Arnav showing him pictures of different girls but he is not paying attention only playing with Arav.

" Arnav....focus..did you forget you need to marry by the end of the month. " I reminded him...time is running out and look at him no tension at all.

" still not marrying her...." he said and I am fed up with this guy. " Arnav dad has clearly instructed if you dont marry you cannot legally own the company...I dont want the company....but you want to work and thats how you get it. " I told him.

" Dad thinks....only married people are matured to handle things....but
I am matured enough to handle everything. Moreover love is like fullstop in our happy life. " Said Arnav and thats his view on love.

" And thats why dad is scared...he thinks you will just fool around and ruin his name. Your bhabi said she is a good girl...." I guess I shouldn't have said that.

" Thats why I didn't like her..." said Arnav. Don't know why he hates zoya so much.  " Arnav.....she cares for you as a brother...." me who is tried of their fighting and want them to be in good terms.

" please stop it...." he said putting Arav down in the bed. I picked him up and told " well think about it seriously...we really dont have time to waste. " And left his room. Hope he understands.

Arnav ( POV)

" Dude....I think we found a solution. " with a smirk in his face. He works for me and tiger of my company. So if he says he has a solution...he does have it.

" What is it? " I asked him. " I was looking through social media...and a news is recently trending...looks like you have a girlfriend. " he said handing me his phone.

Its a group family photo and on the background...that my photo with a girl I dont know...well she looks sweet though.

" And here is my plan...." he said and well that may work out just fine between us. " Call her and talk with her...we are going back soon. " I told him...its going to be fun.

Khushi ( POV )

we left my flat...we had to use the back door of our flat. Recently I am with my cousin laxmi's flat. I have no idea what to do next.

We are all very tensed right now. I picked it up. A deep voice came from the other side " My name is samrat chaudhary, lawyer of sen family. We need to talk with you....please be town while we are getting back. " he said and disconnected the call.

His call terrified me....I am leaving the town as soon as possible. May god bless me.

Love for me is light camera and smile. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang