Chapter 3

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\Khushi ( POV )

Ten days later.

The news has pretty much died now....some people does post different things but it not that big deal now and I am glad about it. Arnav's lawyer didn't call me anymore and I am glad about it.

Infact we got a huge order for a house warming party. We usually dont do party and stuff...but its a welcome party in a farm house. And they wanted desert and ice creams from us.

Since we dont have many people working for us....its literally just us cooking, delivering and getting payment. Since laxmi did all the cooking and she was the one who bought the client...we thought it would be nice if we...sahara and I go to deliver the food and get the payment.

We entered the villa from back entrance with our huge truck. Servants of the house helped us unload everything from the truck and even served us hot tea. We finished our delivery on its time for payment and we leave.

But the manager who hired us told they will pay when the event gets over. Till than we can enjoy the party...which honestly didn't sound that bad to us.

And after what happened I need a break. So we didn't argue with that. Sahara was little worried about our outfits but its a summer dress our dresses are just fine.

We walked in the main hall and must say the villa is very big. Its really spacious...furnished with fancy furniture. Everything looks fancy here...even the guests looks like people of old money....the host must be rich.

But when I told sahara about it she made a face and said " Thats why they cannot pay us on my
foot. " Can't say she is wrong right. But who they can be? we dont have any rich family other than sen family in the town. And after what happened I doubt they will ever order stuff from us. So they can be.

suddenly a sharp voice drawn my attention towards it. Two girls standing in a corner talking with each other. One looks like a spoiled girl while the other constantly trying to impress.

" she has some nerves showing up here. " said spoiled looking girl.
" some people are too shameless sofia....they just have no self
respect. "said that other girl who forgetting her own self respect is buttering up that sofia girl.

" Tina.....maybe the rumors are true...." said sofia making a sad face know the white flower type sad face. She continued " Maybe she is his girlfriend...otherwise why she would be allowed to be here.....its a private party. " She really tried to sound sad.

" sofia...those were rumors never doubt that....never doubt yourself. You're confident, sweet and caring....and I am sure no one deserves to be Mrs sen more than you. Even Arnav will agree with
that. " said that tina to sofia hyping her up.

" Than what is she doing here? How is she allowed in the private property. Only close friends and family are invited here...." said sofia stopping in mid she is hurt or something.

But what did she say? whose property? And whose party? I turned towards sahara who is now enjoying her blue cup cake and said " Check with laxmi...we are at whose party? " I asked her and she almost ignored me but since I gave her the side angry look.

She like a good girl took her phone and checked with laxmi and she nearly dropped her phone. Her eyes surprised. " What is it? " I asked her in panic.

" we are in sen property...." she whispered. Well, now we have done it. To save ourselves from the rumor...I had my mom delete that picture....was away from crowd. And where am I now? In the sen house....just great.

" We must leave now. " I told her and she nodded. We wasted no time and was about to leave when two mean looking girls stood infront of us. Yep! Sofia and tina. Sofia standing behind tina holding trying to stop her from creating a mess. But trust me I know she is enjoying it.

" Oh! looks like we have our main guest here...." she said in a mocking tone " So tell me how much you paid for that photoshoped picture? That was good...." and I officially hate her.

" You cannot afford it....too costly for a cheapstar like you. " replied sahara who just finished her cup cake.

" I am not a cheapstar...your friend is making fake news to gain attention...what a golddigger " said tina with a mocking tone.

" Tina dont talk like that...thats not come with me. " said Sofia trying to pull tina away. " Sofia.youre too good for others....Arnav is very popular here...girls always spreads rumors like that. I bet he doesn't even know her. " She a crowd has gathered around us. We should have left early.

I mean I have pass to enter the house just not the girlfriend. So we will be soo humilated if the host shows up before we leave.

" Look at her....such poor choice of dressing...Arnav will never love a girl like her. " Said another girl whom I dont know.

" Lets just keep her here and let Arnav decide her faith. " Said another over excited girl. Must say he has a huge list of admirores.

" Dont be like that girls....Miss dont mind them. Just leave before Arnav gets here....he doesn't like strangers. " She said....isnt it indirectly saying I am a liar.

" Miss who the hell you dont need to worry about my friend...I can handle her. " Said sahara protecting me. But we both know that we must leave at once.

" I am done here.....lets go. " I told sahara, ignoring those girls. As I turned I got hit with someone...and that was intense cause I almost lost my balance but lucky me...that guy holded me.

I turned my eyes towards him and saw two brown eyed, eyes which can suck your soul out, a beautifully perfect face. Who ever he is...he is handsome.

He helped me stand and said " Baby careful you almost broke your nose ". And how I ended up being his
' baby'...and why such caring tone?

" You dont know her right? " asked tina hopefully. " Of course...I know her. She is my girlfriend. Haven't you seen her in the news. " he said very confidently. My body froze when I realized I am in Arnav sens arms....god save me.

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