Her Teacher Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey babies! This chapter has some surprising stuff in it. This is mostly Beyoncé and Onika talking throughout this chapter so I hope you all love it. Thank you for your support on this book. I really can't thank you all enough. I love your comments and I see all of them. So, thank you. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Excuse any mistakes! Comment, vote, and enjoy!♥️

Chapter 15: All In My Head
Beyoncé Knowles

I felt like I was free-falling into unknown territory

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I felt like I was free-falling into unknown territory. Placing my feet on the ground only to be met with forces that wanted to take me out. No gun in my hands. Not an inch of fighting experience. The only thing I felt I had was my heart. Shifting within me. Causing me to feel things that I shouldn't.

I sat on my bed, my head in my hands as I thought of every possibility. Every single thing that could happen if anyone found out that I was messing with my English teacher. I wanted to shrug it off. Make it seem like I didn't care and carry on with my day. That wouldn't serve me right.

Two knocks on the door interrupted my rapid thinking. I let out a huff, going over to the door and turning the knob to open it slowly. Just in case if it was my parents, they didn't suspect anything was wrong. Yet, I was wrong with my suspicions. Solange was at the door. Streams of tears covered her face.

"C-Can I come in?" She asked, sniffling afterward.

Moving my stuff over, I looked towards the door. "Yeah, come in!" Solange opened the door, rolling her wheelchair in. My whole world felt like it was crashing down when I saw the red mark on her cheek.

"W-What happened solo?" I tried to whisper, just in case our parents were listening.

"B-Bey..." she said, her voice cracking. She couldn't get my full name out. I instantly went over to her, grabbing her to hug her tightly.

"Are you alright?" She shook her head but didn't say anything else. That's when I knew it was one of those moments where she wanted to be held, not talk. As much as I wanted to know what happened, forcing it out of her wouldn't get the truth. We all knew that Solange wasn't big on being rushed.

So, I held her until she fell asleep in my arms. I put a cold rag on her face to help with the redness and placed her body in my bed. Tending to myself wasn't an option anymore. I had to make sure my sister was okay. I had no complaints. I thank god I'm healthy enough to do this or Solange would be in bigger trouble than our parents are already giving her.


I walked into Ms.Maraj's classroom. It was the end of the school day and my mind was running in circles. Trying to find out what to do about Robyn. I didn't even know if she knew anything but the way she was acting today didn't give me a clue. If she did know, would she tell anyone?

"Ms.Maraj, can we talk?" I messed with my hands as I looked at her. One detail I noticed was that her cast was off. It made me excited to see but there were more important things to talk about.

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