Her Teacher Chapter 11

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A/N: HAPPY PINK FRIDAY! 🦄 Welcome to Her Teacher Chapter 11. I wanted to get this out to you guys because of today. Happy birthday to thee amazing Nicki Minaj. (That's my baby) I really hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes you see! Comment, Vote, and Enjoy!🩷

Chapter 11: Minding My Own
Beyoncé Knowles

Chapter 11: Minding My OwnBeyoncé Knowles

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I kept licking my lips. Knowing that Ms.Maraj wanted me to please her caused my mind to wander. My stomach to tighten. My arousal to heighten. She tasted better than I imagined. Everything seemed so quick, that I didn't have time to process it.

My eyes kept moving towards her cast. Why was she refusing to tell me about what happened? Sure, it wasn't my business but I felt like it wasn't just something to brush aside. Whenever I shifted away from her, she would just come closer. I couldn't focus on anything but the bulging material on her arm. That shit looked like it hurt.


"I'm sorry. I can't-" I looked away, trying to avoid her eyes... and the mystery of her injury.

"Beyoncé, can you just enjoy your time with me?" She asked. The cast on her arm stayed still as her other arm waved around freely.


"I'm trying!" I yelled. Sitting up, I finally turned my face to her. She was frowning. "I can't stand to see you hurt and not knowing what happened to you."

"Beyoncé, it's none of your-"

"I know it's none of my business!" I interrupted. At this point, I was avoiding her gaze again. "But you can't expect me to not have questions." My voice was soft. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to find some comfort in my situation. It wasn't my business but I could touch her in intimate ways? It wasn't my business but I let her touch me in ways that I haven't let anyone else touch me.

"I know, baby..." I wanted to scream that she didn't know. That she couldn't possibly understand because if she did she would've just told me. Gave me a clue. She could've told me it was a fall. All I got were sad eyes and now I'm on the edge because I'm thinking something terrible is going on.

I shook my head trying to hold in my tears. "I'm sorry, I'll leave it alone," I finally said, giving up on the conversation. Even if I did give up on the subject, I still felt way more than I should for her. For a woman who was a decade older than me, she knew how to draw me in. How to make me feel like I'm going insane for having feelings for her.

"Come lay down with me, Beyoncé." Doing what she said, I leaned over to lay my body against hers, my back against her chest. It felt awkward since I was trying to avoid her cast but it was just on my arm. I couldn't stop looking at it.

I knew she was just pretending that this wasn't a big deal which is why it was hurting so much. I could've said I didn't care and left it at that. But to me... she was more than just an afterthought. She was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up. It seems silly but if caring about her got me into trouble then, I would just take that chance.

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