Her Teacher Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey Babies!! Welcome to Chapter 6! This part is in Beyoncé's point of view. It also has some spicy moments so I think you'll like it. If anyone wants to read oneshots I have a oneshot book called Playtime with Mommy! With that being said, comment, vote, and enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes you see!♥️

Chapter 6:Hanging on to Temptation

Beyoncé Knowles

Beyoncé Knowles

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Okay, fuck that.

Not only was she set on us being normal around everyone, but she was also set on us not talking? Is she deadass right now? I crossed my arms looking at her. Was she dumb? Did she need help?

"You kissed me back and yet you're acting like I'm the bad guy." She sighed before going over to her desk. The classroom was empty but filled with suffocating air.

"Beyoncé, you know I can't pursue anything else with you. Why are you acting so surprised?" Her words made me turn, my hands on my hips and my head shaking.

"I understand that! But could you at least acknowledge my presence, Ms.Maraj." It almost sounded like a whine. Like I was desperate for any attention she could give. Although it was true, I would put it in my pocket and stash it away not letting anyone know.

Her head stayed down, peering into the screen of her computer. I waved my hand in front of her face. "Hello! Earth to Ms.Meanie. I'm literally talking," I say, letting it be known that I wanted to have this conversation. She sighed heavily, looking into my eyes.

"What? What does the most important student 'ever' want with me?" I didn't like her attitude. Huffing, I didn't bother to talk anymore. I was done. My tiny heels clicked out of the classroom before rounding the corner.

If she wanted to play it like this, I would let her. Because all in all I was still a student and she was just a teacher. If I wanted to get under her skin, I would just try to make her jealous. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book.  I knew the perfect candidate for it too.



Sitting in the back of the classroom, I eyed Ms.Maraj. Her attention fell short as she took her eyes away from the whiteboard. Her eyes connected with mine before she gave me a smug look. Like what I was doing wasn't going to affect her.

See that's where she was wrong. The way I move my body. The constant need for me to be directed into her classroom for my free period. It was going to make her crash when I started to flirt with Robyn in class. And I know what you're thinking...

"Robyn has a girlfriend why're you doing this with her?"

Because everyone knows Robyn doesn't stay in relationships. It's hard to hear but it's the truth! It would be rude of me to break them up but that wasn't what I was trying to do. I was just trying to get under the skin of a woman I wanted to have my hands all over.

Her TeacherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang