Her Teacher Chapter 5

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A/N: Heyyyy party people!!!♥️ Yeah this chapter WILL change everything. But I also have some news! I told you guys I would have Playtime With Daddy Book 2 and I'm working on it. But what about the title Playtime with Mommy? It'll be kind of like a sequel but better in my opinion. I could release that and then I could release the book full of smut that's titled something different. It's up to you guys! But anyway, thank you for the votes and comments on this book! Keep it coming for more frequent updates! I love you so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Comment, Vote, and Enjoy!♥️

Chapter 5: Anticipation of your skin


Patience was just a test

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Patience was just a test.

It had been a full month at this point. My schedule was suffering and my students were finally understanding what kind of teacher I was. The kind that gives them a test and expects them to know what they're doing. The kind that will give them a paper but expects them to research every topic I expect them to.

As troubling as it may seem, I renounced Beyoncé from her position to help me. She wasn't allowed in my classroom. The nervousness I felt around her was not normal. I didn't expect it to be but it was always a challenge for me to be near my students that wanted to take it further than it was supposed to go. Sure, a little playful banter was not hurting anyone.

But I could lose my job if I took part in anything inappropriate with a student.

Knowing what it's like to participate in inappropriate behavior with a student made me sick to my stomach. I am the adult in this situation and I should know better. That's why I'm going to stop it right here. It should be easy for someone like her. Teenagers usually get over people quickly...


My usual strut got the attention of many in the hallways whether it be staff or students. Their heads all turned and while I greeted them with a smile. I never felt so nervous. The pit of my stomach was feeling ill. Like the butterflies that were surrounding it transformed into bats.

When I approached my classroom, some students were aligned at my door. The only person I could identify, being the blonde who made me rethink my life. It wasn't long before her head lifted from her phone. A frown upon her face.

With a nod to her, I unlocked my doors with my keys before twisting the knob. I didn't have to ask her to step inside, she just made herself feel welcomed. Examining her outfit for today, I noticed she was wearing a skirt, probably too short for our requirements but I doubted they would mention anything to her.

Putting my purse down on my desk, I heard her sigh. Did I want to ask her what was wrong?


But was I going to?

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