"Same here, pumpkin. I'll see you Sunday!" He says before the call is ended just in time for me to reach my dorm room. When I open the door, Louis and Eleanor are inside.

"Whoops sorry, didn't mean to um...interrupt," I say awkwardly as I walk in one hat looks to be a pretty intense make out session, or at least getting there.

"N-No, no it's fine, Bree." Eleanor jumps up from her spot on my bed with Louis, flustered and red-faced. Good thing I walked in when I did or who knows what they would've done on there. "W-We were just um, heading out."

I looks at Louis who stares at me with an annoyed expression on his face and I know that they weren't planning on "heading out" anytime soon.

"We're actually going to a party later on tonight, you should come with!" She offers, quickly regaining composure.

"Uh, no thanks I'll pass." I decline. Though I'm not exactly tired, even though I should be after a double shift, I'd much rather stay in and watch Netflix or something. Right after I disinfect my bed, of course.

"Nonsense! It's the start of winter break, you can't pass up an opportunity to go to a good party!" Louis pipes up and rises from the bed. It is then when I realize that his body is not the only thing that has risen, and I quickly look away from his excited area unable to control the redness from appearing on my cheeks.

He seems to notice the same time I do and quickly sits back down on my bed, I must emphasize once again, crossing his legs tightly over one another and turning his face in the opposite direction to hide his embarassment.

"Yeah Bree! It'll be fun! Pleeeease?" Eleanor coos, completely oblivious to what I just saw and is now burned in the back of my skull, leaving a permanent scar on my eyes.

"I-I said no." I carry on like I didn't just see Louis' lit up disco stick. "Besides, I wouldn't want to um...to run into anyone there." I add, hoping that she gets what I am trying to say. I know she does when her face changes from a pleading pout to a sympathetic one.

"B-But you don't have to worry, Bree. Harry's not even gonna be there, he told us so. Didn't he, Lou?" She turns to a bashful Louis trying his best to cover up his lower regions.

"Hu-Huh?! Oh y-yeah, he's not coming." He stutters out, not even looking in our direction. I feel so bad for the poor boy, but I can't contain myself when a small snort escapes from me. Eleanor looks between the two of us, confused before she speaks again.

"See, you're in the clear! Now you can come out with us and just have a good time! You really deserve it, Hun!" She rubs my shoulder soothingly and I am slightly annoyed by all the pity crap she is giving me right now. I do know however, That she probably won't back down from this unless I agree to go with them. So for mine and poor cross-legged Louis' sake, I finally give in.

"Yay! Oh my gosh, this is going to be so much fun!" She claps he hands together, satisfied at her ability to win me over. "We should pick out what we are going to wear, we've got to leave soon!" She quickly moves to her closet and I groan, not wanting to change out of the comfort of my sweats and flannel. I don't see a problem with wearing this to the party anyways.

"W-Well, I'll be in the car, waiting." Louis takes the opportunity to slip out and avoid any further embarrassment by getting up from the bed and making a dash for the door backwards, to avoid any further exposure.

"We'll be out in a sec." Eleanor says though I highly doubt that, knowing how long she takes just to get ready for school in the morning.

"No, no please take your time" He pops his head out from the door before quickly disappearing without so much as a glance in my direction. For the first time, I truly believe he is serious about us taking as long as we need to get ready for tonight.

"What's up with him?" Eleanor says ironically and now I really have to let out the
laugh I had been holding in.

"Probably just excited, that's all." I cough through my cackles of hysteria and she just laughs along with me, not really getting the joke. Oh, if only she knew.

With that, for the next hour or so I let her pick out an outfit for me (from her closet, of course) and do my hair and makeup and such for another party that I have yet again been forced into attending.

This should be fun.


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Are any of you missing Harree/Brarry?? I know I am :(
Or Zayree, perhaps??

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Much love, Memorians xx


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