Chapter 34

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Months Later

Emily's POV

Every other weekend or so now JJ and I have been keeping Alanna. We have had a lot of conversations with Shannon and Lea about us eventually adopting Alanna

While it's not something we can do right now living in our apartment it's something we have been thinking about a lot more. We already knew that Shannon and her husband weren't interested in adoption. It was never their goal with foster care and Alanna is their last placement because Shannon is pregnant,

So know we are looking at houses that would suit us and our growing family, we have not had another conversation with Danielle about adoption. She made it pretty clear that she doesn't want to be adopted. Now that could have changed since the beginning. She's actually out today with Penelope, they have grown close and I'm glad she has someone else to talk to other than JJ and I

We just got back to the apartment after having lunch out together, it was nice just being the two of us. We don't have much time for us anymore because Danielle, unlike a normal teenager, always wants to be near us. It's definitely not a problem, especially with how she refused to even be in the same room as us when we first started fostering her, which makes me think that she might change her stance on being adopted

"Jayje." I say aloud before sitting on one side of the couch just for JJ to sit almost on top of me

"Yes?" She questions and leans into me and I briefly kiss the top of her head

"Would you consider adopting Danielle?" I ask, I know she was uncomfortable with this whole idea at first but she has for sure grown to love Danielle just as I do

"I thought she didnt want to be adopted?" JJ ask,

"She doesn't... or at least that's the last we have heard but it has been a while and I feel like maybe if we brought it up now she might have a different opinion" I say and JJ reached her hand above her head to grab mine

"If Danielle agrees to it then yes, we already planned on being her last foster parents anyway" she says and I smile,

"We can talk to her when she gets back from being with Pen, if she says yes I can contact Lea and if she says no then we'll just continue everything like we are now" I say and she nods and pulls the blanket that we have strung across the back of the couch over her body

"Now that that's settled, I'm taking a nap" she declares, making me laugh in response

"Of course you are"


"Shh don't wake them up"

"Look how cute they are"

I opened my eyes, at first I forgot that Jayje and I had fallen asleep on the couch, but now with Penelope and Danielle looking at us with their phones out it's quite obvious

"Oh go away" I mumble and rub my eyes, listening to the two of them giggle away, JJ was still fast asleep against me and I didn't want to wake her up. She gets grumpy when she is woke up from a nap

"How was your day sweetheart?" I ask Danielle

"It was so fun! Penny got me Starbucks and we went to the Aquarium and we went shopping and we got lunch and it was so fun!" She exclaims and JJ opens her eyes

"I'm so glad you had fun love, did you say thank you?" I ask and she nods and gives Penelope a hug

"Thank you!" Danielle says happily and goes to her room with the bag she came in with,

JJ sits up from laying against me and rubs her eyes

"Good nap?" Penelope smirks and JJ nods

"Yes actually" she says and pulls the blanket up more towards her face

"Thank you for taking her out today, she obviously enjoyed it" JJ tells her

"Anytime, I had a lot of fun too. Now, I would love to stay but, I have a hot date." She smirks

"I want details later!" JJ calls out to her as she heads for the door

"I'm glad she had fun, I haven't seen her that excited in a while, she'll go to sleep early tonight" I say and JJ nods

JJ got up to use the bathroom and I decided on going to check on Danielle

Her door was shut so I knocked once and Waited on her approval before walking in,

She was sitting on her floor making bracelets with what looks like a new kit, must be what she got when she was out today

"Hi" she smiles up at me and I sit on her bed

"Hi sweetheart, having fun?" I ask and she nods and looks back at her bracelets

"Any idea what you want for dinner?" I ask and she shrugs

"Pasta?" She questions and I nod

"We can do that," I say and she puts her bracelet down and climbs into her bed with me and leans against me, I put my arms around her and kissed her head

"Are you sleepy?" I ask and she nods

"Here, sit up a second" I say and she frowns but pulls herself away from me so I can lay down comfortably in her bed and I motion for her to do the same

She laid flush against me and I covered her up with her blanket which she pulled all the way to her head

"Take a nap.. we have a little before you have to be up" I say and she closes her eyes

It didn't take long for her breath to even and I knew she was asleep, I waited a few more minutes before leaving her alone in bed, I quietly shut her door and found JJ in the living room

"You better hope she's tired when bedtime comes around" JJ tells me and I nod

"Yes ma'am, I'm sure she will be, plus I'm only letting her sleep for an hour tops. I know what I'm doing" I say and she smiles


JJ and I just ordered dinner for the three of us, true to my word I woke Danielle up an hour into her nap which caused her to be really grumpy for a while but that has seemed to fade and she's back to herself,

While she was napping JJ and i also decided for sure to talk to her about her thoughts on adoption, which is what we are trying to do know

Danielle is currently sitting next to me on the couch while JJ is across from us

"Am I in trouble?" Danielle ask quietly and JJ shakes her head

"No, we just have something we want to talk to you about" JJ says and Dani nods

"When we first started fostering you, you told us you did not want to be adopted, which is totally fine. What we are wondering is, is that still how you feel? And if it is that's not a problem and nothing will change" I say and Dani pulls at her fingers

"I don't know" she whispers

"I don't like getting my hopes up.... It's happened too often" she explains and we nod

"We know, but if adoption is something you want, Emily and I will talk to Lea and we can see if that's an option for us and we can do it" JJ says and Dani looks between the both of us

"Can I think about it?" She ask and we nod

"Of course sweetheart, take your time"

Till next time ❤️

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