Chapter 8

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It is our last whole day as a family, lily has to leave tomorrow, she knows she does and is really upset about it, at this point I'm not sure what we can do to comfort her

Penelope called and wants to know if we all want to get together tonight, part of me just wants to say no so Emily and I don't have to share Lily, but I know the team is also upset and lily would like to see them

It's hard, I was always worried about fostering because of this part, but, with only keeping previous placements less than a week and knowing they were going back to a safe home was okay

Lily is different, she's not just some placement, she's so much more, and after this. I don't want to go through this pain ever again

I know Emily is hesitant about taking our names off the list but that's only because she believes she can help, and she can. But, it's not right

"Momma?" Lily whispers and I smile, she slept in our bed last night, although that's nothing new these days

"Yea baby?" I ask and run my fingers though her hair

"I go with Mary tomorrow?" She ask me and I nod

She started calling her Mary after the visit at the park two weeks ago

"Yea.... You do" I say and she just climbs on top of me

"Is there anything you want to do today?" I ask her

"Cuddle?" She ask and I smile

"Of course, lots and lots of cuddles" I say and tickle her sides causing her to giggle loudly

"Momma! Monma! Stop it!" She giggles and I stop, letting her catch her breath and she sits in my lap

Emily must have woke up because she was sitting up next to me in bed

"Having all the fun without me?" She ask and lily climbs over into her lap

"Mommy! You're awake" Lily smiles and cuddles into her

"Did you decide what you wanted to do today?" emily ask her

"cuddle" lily tells her

"oh? what else?" Emily ask her

"Um... I don't know" Lily shrugs

"We can do anything you want" Emily tells her

"I don't know mommy" she says

"Do you want to see Derek and Penelope?" I ask and she nods

"Can Jack come too?" She ask

"Of course we can see Jack too" Emily laughs and lily smiles

I'm going to miss these mornings, I'm going to miss waking up with our daughter in bed, I'm going to miss talking about the day, I'm going to miss it all

But, I can't be sad today, I need to be there for lily and being sad will not allow me to do that,

"Let's get up and get dressed to start our day" I tell both lily and Emily and they just look at me and start laughing

"Why are you laughing now?" I ask

"Nothin" Lily smile and I shake my head

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it" I say and get out of bed to get dressed and lily and Emily do the same after me

I let everyone know they could come over for dinner if they had wanted that way we still get the day with just us and tonight after everyone leaves will be the same

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