Chapter 25

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Emilys POV

JJ has been home for a day now, I talked with her about my conversation with Lea so we are both aware. I think it is great how far along JJ and Danielle have come. I absolutely love seeing them interact.

Tonight though I was hoping on taking JJ out for dinner. It has been a while since we have been out together and I think tonight would be the perfect time to do so. The only thing I am worried about is Danielle. I know she is old enough that we can leave her I just don't know if I am comfortable enough to do that. I already talked to Garcia as well and she is more than happy to come and hang out with her until we get back if needed

Danielle hasn't really interacted with any of our friends, she is nervous around new people and with how long it took her to warm up to JJ we were worried her meeting them wouldn't go over so well.

Danielle is currently back in her room while JJ and I sat out on the couch together, she of course had her feet in my lap while she read whatever it was that she was reading on her Kindle

"Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight?" I ask her and she smiles at me from behind her Kindle.

"Of course, We haven't been out in so long. What about Danielle?" she asks me and sets her kindle down in her lap

"Well, we could leave her here. It will only be for a few hours and she is old enough to be on her own. Plus, I don't think we have to worry about her running away anymore" i chuckle and JJ does the same

"Or, Garcia said she would come and hang out while we went out" I explain

"When did you talk to Pen?" she ask me

"Earlier today before I made the reservations" I say and JJ laughs at me, I couldnt help it, I really just wanted her alone for a little tonight

"what would you have done if I would have said no?" she ask with a teasing smirk and I roll my eyes

"I would have pouted and cancelled the reservations" I tell her honestly and she just smiles and sits up and presses a soft kiss against my lips before turning herself to sit in my lap

"I love you" she says and I smile and kiss the top of her head

"I love you more" i say and she just shakes her head and grabs her kindle before relaxing against me again

"Have you spoken with Danielle about it though?" JJ ask me and I sigh

"No, not yet...I figured we could do it together"I say and she nods

"That's fine love, now?" She ask and I look at my watch

It was just past 12 and we just had lunch so I figured we would let her have some time to herself first

"Let's give it half an hour," I tell JJ and she nods and relaxes back into me as she continues to read and I watch whatever we had on tv, or tried to at least,

I think I ended up watching JJ most of the time, she always got so into the books she was reading, she would be so concentrated

Half an hour later she put her kindle down and the two of us walked back the hall to Danielle's room and knocked on the door

"Come in" Danielle says from inside and we go in,

Danielle was sitting on the floor while leaning against her bed as she watched tv,

JJ and I both sat down on either side of her and she paused the movie she was watching

"Is something wrong?" She ask us and I shake my head

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