Chapter 15

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I am upset with Emily, she does this huge thing without even talking to me, she knows how I feel about it which is why I guess she didn't

She knows I don't want to foster anymore, not right now. I needed more time. She knew that

And I love that she has a big heart, she means right but, she shouldn't have done this

I got out of the shower and dressed into a pair of jeans and a simple white t-shirt, it was already 3:30 so I assume Lea would be here soon

For this girls sake I'm going to try my best to not be mad at Emily while she's around. It's not fair to the girl, that I still have no knowledge about

Emily has told me nothing about her and I'm guessing since she doesn't even know her name she probably doesn't know anything about her anyway

"Are you still mad?" Emily ask once I walk out to the kitchen, she was just sitting there with what I'm assuming is coffee in her mug

"Yes, don't think you're getting off the hook. What you did was wrong. You should have never agreed to this without talking to me" I say and continue to get myself some coffee

Emily didn't say anything after that, she knew I was right

A little before four Lea showed up, Emily opened the door and Lea and a girl walked into the apartment

"Hi... thank you guys so much" Lea smiles

"It's no problem" Emily smiles

"This is Danielle, Danielle this is Emily and Jennifer, I have known them for years and I promise you'll be safe here" Lea says, Turning completely to Danielle who was holding a small duffel bag,

She had black hair that went just below her shoulders with blue eyes, she was wearing a baggy long sleeved shirt with sweat pants

And by the expression on her face I'm sure she wanted to be anywhere but here

"Can you say hi?" Lea asked her and she just rolled her eyes,

"I want to leave" she says to Lea

"Dani we talked about this.... I can't take you anywhere else" Lea says softly, holding Danielle's hand

"Take me to Juvie then! I don't want to stay here... please don't leave" Danielle says, dropping her bag and wrapping her arms around Lea,

"Dani baby I promise you're safe here. If you want to talk to me all you have to do is ask and I'm sure they will call." Lea says

It was sad to see this. Danielle was obviously so attached to Lea but I know as soon as she leaves it's going to be all hell on wheels

"Danielle I know you're scared, I get it. But, if you'd like we can show you around" Emily says and lea nods

"Come on," Lea says and gently encourages Danielle to follow Emily and lea stayed with me

"Im sorry for throwing this at you guys" she says and I smile softly

"I know Emily, she believes she can help everyone" I say and she nods

"Danielle's a good kid, she's just been given the short stick her entire life. I'm not sure how much Emily has discussed with you but, after hearing that she has had these problems with other placements, I immediately thought of you guys." She says and I smile

"Wait... what problems? Emily mentioned none of this" I say and she sighs

"I have been told she is aggressive, and that she has attitude problems... and she has been in Juvie once" she says and I sigh, no wonder Emily didn't mention any of this

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