Chapter 13

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we're in May now, Mary hasn't contacted us at all about Lily but Lea has told us that she's okay so we are taking her word for it

Emily had also been wanting to foster again, each time I tell her no, it's just not something I want to do anymore, or right now at least

I may be selfish but I'm not willing to put myself through any heartbreak right now. Plus I'm loving the time I get with Emily

We haven't had this much alone time in years

When it comes to work and the team we have All gotten back into everything. I know they were hurt when lily had to leave. Jack especially

He didn't, and still doesn't understand so he has been upset with Emily and I, he doesnt talk to us or anything anymore

He thinks we just got rid of lily, no matter how many times all of us have tried explaining it to him.

It's different too, all of us working together is amazing but we all know how it happened which is a bummer

We just got back this morning from a case in California, so not a fan of the weather

Instead of Emily and I spending the day at home together, we're still here doing an abundance of paperwork,

Most of it has no relevance to this case at all it's just paperwork from past cases or other things that needs to be signed, since we finally have the time for it Hotch is making us all stay and do it

Such a kind boss

Then, Penelope has been on us a lot going out for drinks tonight so I think Emily is leaning towards wanting to do that since it has been a while since we have gone out like that

And knowing how it usually goes Derek will be there as well but he's an addition we don't mind

Halfway through my paperwork Emily knocked on my office door and just let herself in

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods and sits on the small couch that I have

"I'm so done with paperwork" she groans and I laugh and put my pen down so I could get up

I got up and walked over to Emily, easily sitting myself in her lap and her arms came to wrap around my stomach

"I love you" I whisper and kiss her neck

"I love you too" she says and presses her lips against my head

"Are you still wanting to go out tonight?" I ask Emily and she nods

"I think it'll be nice for us to go out" she says and I nod

"Do you not want to?" She ask and I felt her hand slip under my shirt and continue to rub my back

"I think you're right, we need this" I say and she smiled and I just relax into her,

We only stayed like that for a few moments before I slowly peeled myself away from her and sat back at my desk, even if I would much rather stay here with Emily and in her lap, we have work to do

"No! Come back here" Emily complains and I laugh

"If you want to work in here you can but we do have work to do" I say and she groans

"Fine, if you don't love me that's all you had to Say" she says and gets up to walk over to me

"Oh shut up, you know i love you" I say and she kisses me softly

"I know... I'll come back in a little" she tells me and I nod,

"Okay love" i smile and she kisses my head and walks out of my office,

She's my Best friend, Emily truly is my everything. When everything is falling to pieces around me I know she'll have my back, she's who I look for in the darkness. She's my light.

Now I really didn't want to work, I just wanted to leave and go someplace with my wife and forget about work for a few hours.

And of course; don't get me wrong. I love my job, I really do. But, I love Emily more and I miss us. We don't have time for us lately

Sighing, I cut some quiet music and got back to my paperwork,


We all finished our papers around five and we were all able to go home with the promise to meet at 9

"You're still wanting to go tonight?" Emily ask as soon as we got home

"Yes I just want to shower first and eat before we go" I say and put my bag on the kitchen table

"Okay... let's shower, we can order pizza and just lounge until we go out" she says and I nod

We walked back to our room and I let my hair down after being up all day, running my fingers through my hair before meeting Emily in the bathroom so we could shower

We threw our dirty clothes in the hamper and stepped into the shower, Emily immediately put her hands on my waist and pulled me back into her

"Really Em?" I chuckle and she just held onto me, her arms wrapped around me

"You okay?" I ask and tilt my head back to look at her

"I'm fine" she says and I nod, she let go of my waist so we could actually use the shower for its intended purpose.

We actually didn't spend too much time in the shower, I think both of us just wanted to spend time together before we went out

Emily of course dressed in her normal sweats and a sports bra and I did the same only with a tank top instead

"Okay... pizza is ordered, have you chosen a movie?" Emily ask me. She had walked away so she could call and I was supposed to be looking for a movie for us to watch

"A simple favor" I tell her, I have seen different recommendations for this movie so I figured we could try it out

Emily got comfortable behind me and I laid back into her as she put her hand on my stomach


Emily and I gave ourselves a good while to get ready, I knew after the movie I wouldn't. Want to go anywhere and I guess Emily felt the same

An amazing movie by the way-

The two of us quickly finished getting dressed, Emily was wearing a deep v-neck fitted black shirt and I just honestly couldn't help myself from staring

"Keep your eyes to yourself" Emily smirks and puts her hand gently under my chin to have me look at her

"Mmm but why would I want to do that? You're so much more fun to look at" I reply, absolutely loving the look in her eyes

"We wouldn't want to keep Penelope waiting" she tells me while winking and I roll my eyes, and she walks out of our room

"You're going to be the death of me Emily Prentiss!"

Till next time ❤️

So so sorry about the long wait time and terrible chapter- hopefully things will pick up as it gets pretty fast paced next chapter...

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