Chapter 7

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Emily's POV

It's been two weeks since we found out about Lily being moved back with her birth mom, we haven't told Lily yet, we planned to do that today

She has definitely noticed something is wrong though, she won't leave JJs side, she won't play without being in the same room as her, she won't even go to the bathroom without needing JJ to go with her

She's fighting us a lot when it comes to her visits with Mary too and will refuse to do anything, even Before when she didn't like going she told us that, but she didn't fight it, and she would interact with Mary

JJ has also refused to go back to work right now, we told the team and Hotch told us to spend the month with lily so here we are, I still consult with them and lily likes to talk to Derek all the time

We have another visitation with Mary today and she has been threatening to tell lily if we don't which is why we're telling her today

"Hey... good morning" I smile at lily who just walked into our room, JJs asleep and I didn't want to wake her so I stayed in bed

"You put me in my room!" She complains and I chuckle

She fell asleep in here like she has been for the past week but I could tell JJ needed a little space so I moved Lily into her room

"You we're asleep" I tell her and she frowns and cuddles into JJ

"Are you hungry?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Hm can you help me make breakfast for momma?" I ask her and she sits up and looks at me and sighs

"But then hers will be alone" she tells me

"She will be okay... I promise, I bet she would love some breakfast in bed" I say and she looks at JJ hesitantly before nodding and climbing over the bed to me and lifting her arms up

I smiled and kissed her head as I carried her out to the kitchen and sat her on the countertop

"What should be make?" I ask her and she shrugs

"Cereal" she smiles

"Is that really what you want?" I chuckle and she nods

"Please!?" She ask and I smile and nod

I got the breakfast tray out and stacked three bowls on it and got the milk out as well as the cereal and we went back to the bedroom

Lily climbed into her and started to wake up JJ

"Morning momma!"Lily smiles and I place the tray on the bed

"Morning" JJ mumbles and sits up

"We got you cereal!" Lily exclaims happily and JJ chuckles

"You did? Thank you" she smiles and I sit down

"She wanted cereal so here we are" I tell JJ and she smiles

"It's perfect" JJ smiles

Once we were all done with breakfast we moved out to the living room so we could have a conversation with lily

"Come here baby" JJ tells lily and lily climbs into her lap and rest back against her

"So, we have something to tell you.... You know how you have seen Mary a little more now?" I ask and she nods

"Well she decided that she is ready for you to go home with her" I say, I have no idea how to have this conversation

"No, I don't want to" Lily says

"I know... and we don't want you to either, we want you to be here with us. I promise." JJ says

"Why do I have to go then?" Lily ask us, holding tightly to JJs hands

"Because the people that let you come stay with us said so.." JJ says

"I can still see you?" Lily ask, tears already forming in her eyes

"We're going to see you whenever we can" I assure her and she just turns around in JJs lap and cries into her chest

We both knew there was nothing we could say to make her feel better so JJ just held her tight

"We haves to see her today?" Lily ask me and I nod

"We do" I say and she gets off of JJs lap and runs to her room

JJ herself had tears in her eyes

"Hey... it's going to be okay" I tell her

"No it's not Emily, no it's not" she whispers and gets up to go and check on lily

As much as I didn't want to, we needed to leave to meet Mary soon

I walked back to the room and Lily was on her bed with JJ, I just gave JJ a look and she nodded

"We need to go see Mary now" JJ says softly

"No! No! I don't want to!" She yells

"Lily... I know you don't want to but we have to" i say,

"No! I hate hers! I don't want to" she yells again and runs out of the room

"She's going to hate us too if we force her into the car" JJ groans and goes after Lily and I sigh and do the same

"Lillian please, we won't stay long and we can go get frozen yogurt" I say and she looks up at me and nods and holds onto JJ

When we got to the park Mary was already there, Lily didn't want to be put down so JJ carried her all the way to the bench and we sat down while she still refused to move off of JJ

"Hi lily!" Mary smiled and Lily just keeps her head turned towards JJ

"Are you ready to come home with me?" Mary ask and I roll my eyes

"No!" She exclaims

"I don't like you" Lily says

"Lily stop this now" Mary says and JJ protectively puts her arms around lily

"I want to go home momma" Lily cries and Mary groans

"Lily come on" Mary says and she just shakes her head

"Let's just take her home" I tell JJ, it's not like we can make her do something

"She's my daughter you can't take her" Mary tells us

"Mary look, she doesn't want to be here, we're not making her stay" I say and stand up and JJ hands me lily so she could get up too

"We can go home now?" Lily ask

"Yes baby we're going home" I say and we walk away from Mary and went back to the car. Lily didn't want to go in her seat but with the promise of extra cuddles and a movie before bed and she let me buckle her in

The whole ride home lily was still sniffling in the backseat, when the day comes and she has to go with Mary it's going to kill us all, the poor girls not going to know what to do

When we got home I got lily out and she held onto me as tight as she could, it hurt so much to see her so sad

We have done everything we could since she came into our care to keep her happy, and now this is happening

Inside lily just wanted to lay against me, she didn't even attempt to move off of my lap. I kept her with me and JJ came to lay next to us, the three of us now just lounging on the couch together

I can only hope that everything will be okay one day

Till next time. ❤️

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