Chapter 6

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Lily is practically jumping off the walls with excitement about going with Penelope and Derek,

"When are they coming?" She ask us for the millionth time,

"They are on the way, but you still need to get dressed" I tell her and she runs back to her room to get changed since she was just in her pajamas

"Hey... you ready for today?" Emily ask and I smile and lean into her as she stood next to me

"Yes.. very" I smile and Penelope and Derek walk through the door

"Oh because knocking is unheard of?" Emily says and Derek laughs

"Where is she?" Penelope ask

"Getting changed" I say and lily comes running down the hall and trips over her own feet,

"Lillian careful" Emily says, catching her before she could hit the floor

"Sorry mommy Emmy, I'm okay" she says and gives Emily a hug before going straight to Penelope and Derek

"Are you ready for our super duper awesome day?" Penelope ask and Lily jumps in place

"Yes! Can we go now?" Lily ask

"Go give your moms a hug and let's go!" Pen says excitedly and lily runs over to us and hugs us both

"I love you! Be good for Pen and Derek!" I tell her and she nods

"Love you too!" She exclaims and the three of them walk out the door

Her social worker isn't suppose to be here until 11 and it's just 8 now so Emily and I are still in our pajamas as well

"What do you want for breakfast?" Emily ask me and we walk to the kitchen and I sit down at the table

"Honestly? I would love some fruity pebbles" I say and she smiles

"Is that because you are fruity too?" She ask and got two bowls down from the cabinet and I roll my eyes

"Oh shut up" I smile and she laughs  and brings over two bowls of fruity pebbles

"It's just the best cereal option out there" I say and she smiles and sits down

"Sounds like something lily would say" Emily smiles and I nod

"It definitely is" I tell her,

I haven't had cereal in so long but I'm once again falling in love with it

After breakfast we put the dishes in the dishwasher and went to get dressed

"Oh god" I say walking past lily's room and Emily comes over to me

"What?" She ask before looking in

"Oh god" she sighs

Lily has clothes everywhere in here, on the bed, on the floor, everywhere

"This is why she still needs help getting dressed" Emily laughs and we go to our room

We didn't really have anything planned for this morning so we just lounged until Lilys social worker was supposed to show

"Okay... nothing to be nervous about" I tell myself while Emily went to open the door and they soon appeared in the living room

"Jennifer hi, it's good to see you" Lea, Lilys social worker smiles and sits down across from me

"You too" I smile and Emily sits with me

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