Chapter 24

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Emily's POV

"You're great with her... and I'm so thankful that you opened your home. She may be 14 but she didn't really have a childhood, she grew up long before she should have. When she gets to the point where she feels safe with someone, which I have only seen happen with me but now with you too, don't be surprised if she regresses a little, there is still a child whiteout a childhood in her." Lea tells me and I nod, I should have guessed that's what has been going on, my job is to literally analyze the behavior of those around me yet I couldn't do that with Danielle,

"You have done an amazing job with every placement you have had, don't start second guessing yourself now" Lea says but I couldn't help by second guess myself, again, other than Lily we never had long term placements

While we always made sure they had everything they needed and that they were comfortable, we never had enough time to really connect with them

But with Danielle, she confuses me. She opens up, really well lately too, she comes to me for comfort. But then she shuts down too,

"You really want to go check on her huh?" Lea smiles and I chuckle

"Yea.... Is it that obvious?" I ask and she nods

"Just a little, but it's okay," she smiles

"I should get going anyway, but just remember, she may be more sensitive sometime if she regresses a little. But I'm sure you have already noticed" she says and I nod

"Yes I have. I wasn't sure what it was, but thank you for coming over"I tell her and she nods

"Of course,  do you mind if I go talk to her? I told her I would and I want to keep that promise" she explains to me and I tell her that it was fine

While Lea was back with Danielle I picked up around the apartment and made myself a cup of coffee

Lea came out after a few minutes and came to talk to me before she left, she just updated me a little more and said that she would contact me later

I decided I was away from Danielle long enough so I grabbed my cup of coffee and made my way to her room

I knocked once before walking in, she was sitting against the wall in her bed on her phone

As soon as I entered she smiled and put her phone down

"Hey sweet girl" I smile and put my coffee mug on her end table and sat in bed with her, she was now picking at her fingers while she looked at me

"Did you have a good talk with lea?" I ask her and I move to sit back against the wall and I open my arms for her, she looked at me shyly and blushed but she moved closer to lay her head against me and I wrapped my arms around her

"Yea... Lea is nice" she mumbles and I nod and run my fingers through her hair

"Yea she is, she has became good friends with me and JJ since we met her" I tell her and she smiles

"I didn't like my old social worker" she tells me and I frown, I know she's been in care since she was 8 but Lea just became her social worker a year ago

"Why not?" I ask and continue to run my fingers through her hair, she hasn't really talked much with me about her past, I don't know anything other than what Lea has told me so I didn't want her to get uncomfortable but I also wanted to know

"He was mean... he put me in places that weren't nice. And never believed me when I told him things" she whispers and cuddled even closer to me as she brought her blanket up to her face

I know that we got lucky with working with Lea, she is a wonderful woman and she is so good with all the kids. I truly don't understand the people who go into this career with the hope of doing anything other than helping these kids

And what she was telling me now was concerning, but especially the fact that she said he didn't believe her

"Didn't believe you about what sweetheart?"
I ask, I really wanted to know, more like I needed to know. That way I can talk to lea to make sure this guy doesn't have any more kids he's responsible for

Danielle didn't respond to me though, she just shook her head against me and I sighed

"Dani this is important, I really need to know" I say and she shakes her head again

"No, don't wanna talk" she says and I sigh once again, I know we're going to have to come back to this conversation but obviously right now is not the right time

"Okay.... Not right now then, but soon sweet one" I tell her and she nods

"You didn't eat lunch, do you want it now? Or maybe a snack?" I ask and she shakes her head again

"No, im not hungry" she mumbles and I just nod to myself

"Okay, okay" I tell her and kiss her head, she looked comfortable but I knew I wasn't I didn't want to move because I didn't want to upset her but I knew I couldn't sit like this for long

"Why don't we put a movie on in my room and we can just lay around for a while?" I suggest and she nods into me but makes to attempt to move

"Come on, I'll grab us some drinks and meet you in there" I say and tap her leg lightly and she groans but sits up with a pout on her face

"Were you comfy?" I smirk and she just glares at me as she gets out of her bed with her blanket and makes her way to my room,

I grabbed my coffee mug and went out to the kitchen to get us both something to drink along with a few packets of gummies for Danielle, I was hoping I could get her to eat something and I have noticed she has taken a liking to these and keeps some in her room

When I got back to my room Danielle was already in bed while her cover was laid out across her

"Did you pick a movie?" I ask as I get changed into more comfier clothes

"Princess and the frog?" She suggest quietly and I smile and climb into bed next to her

"Sounds good, I have not watched it in a while!" I say and she smiles,

I got myself comfy before pulling Danielle into me so that she was leaning against my chest,

"I grabbed you a bottle of water and some gummies" I say while grabbing the two things and putting them on the bed. Danielle of course reached for the gummies and ate the first pack quietly while the movie was starting

I could tell she wasn't going to last the entire thing, she was already practically falling asleep. Plus she has a death grip on my shirt right now, it's like she's afraid I'm going to leave her

She never has to worry about that because I will never leave her

Till next time ❤️

So so sorry for the long wait time

If you have read Verity by Colleen Hoover what did you think? I finished it and want to Discuss haha

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