Pains of Horror

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When they'd gotten back to the apartments, he'd called a quick meeting to let them know what had transpired. Shock had taken over all of them. An immense sadness settled over them. They had each agreed to say nothing to Lynn. Knowing it was going to be difficult, they vowed to help each other.

Every night, at least one of the guys comes to spend the night, just holding me. I've had the nightmare one other day, when Chris was with me. I woke up screaming and it took Chris a bit to get me to calm down. Like Felix, he eventually made slow, sweet love to me. Something about the Aussie men just does things to me. Since then, I've not had as bad of a nightmare. I have been extremely grateful for each of them staying with me.

That being said, I just wish they would talk to me about Hyunjin. I may be angry, but I need to know how he is doing. The not knowing anything is hurting me. Every time I bring his name up, they all change the subject or walk away acting like they got a call. It's actually beginning to royally piss me off.

On a different note, Don is home and doing quite well! With the nurse's help, he is doing fantastic. He has kept ahead of pain and has been up and walking around the apartment and up and down the hall with the nurse. The guys all got him a huge flower bouquet and balloons. They've been in and out checking on him since he came home.

It's been really cute to see their interactions. They've all taken turns cooking for us or ordering food. I haven't cooked dinner in days! I'm not complaining though. Just having them in and out has been so nice. They've been really careful to not make Don laugh too much. I see their faces when Don hurts. They really have adopted Don and Tony as their brothers. In fact, Tony and Changbin have started working out together in the early mornings. Never thought I'd see my youngest actually get up that early!

Today though, I'm freaking out. Currently I'm sitting in the doctor's office for my final appointment, where he will be marking all the things on my body. Talk about nerve wracking! The day before my surgery and yes, I'm a ball of nerves. I just keep reminding myself to breath deep. As we go over everything, my nerves lessen some. The surgical team has a great plan in place.

Thankfully the rest of the appointment went really well. I ended up meeting the whole team that will be working on me. I'll be in surgery around 5 to 6 hours. As I leave, I'm actually really excited. The only thing marring my excitement, is my worry about Hyunjin. I haven't fully forgiven him, but with help of Jennifer, my anger is nearly gone.

Getting back from the appointment, I am met at the door by a very nervous looking Chris. Something about his expression and stance alerts me that something is up.

"Hey sexy. What's with the look?" He looks down at the floor. "Chris, what's wrong? Damn it, talk to me!"

"I don't want you to get upset Lynn. And I'm afraid if I give you something it's going to upset you."

"It's from Hyunjin isn't it?" His eyes shoot up to mine in surprise. "Nae sarang, don't. I know all of you have avoided talking about him to me. Can we go inside your apartment and talk?" I'm thankful he agrees.

"Ok, spill it. I knew you told the guys to not talk to me about him. But you haven't done me any favors by doing that. I may still be somewhat angry. I may not be fully ready to forgive him because I'm still confused about some things, but I love him Chris. And I have been so worried about him. Every time I've tried to ask, NO ONE would tell me. It's pissed me off! So please, please put my heart at ease. Is he ok? What do you have for me?"

Chris hangs his head. He had tried hard to avoid this, but never thought of the pain it was putting Lynn in by not talking to her. He just wants her to be totally relaxed for tomorrow. And truthfully, he wants to be relaxed. She doesn't know he cancelled his schedule for tomorrow so he can be at the surgery center. The execs are pissed, but he doesn't care. The cunts can just deal with it. He just found out today, in two months they can move into their apartments at the new building. It's perfect since their contract with JYPE Div1 expires in 7 months.

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