You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and he threw you over his shoulder like you were a feather, and held onto you. 

You breathed heavily, and groaned out in pain again. It was the thought that counted.

Suddenly, Aides started to move, he moved away from the sidewalk and what it seemed toward a black limo as it pulled up front. He opened the door and threw you inside, making you fall onto the plush leather seat that was so soft you sank into them. Aides jumped into the limo after you.

He closed the door and the limo began to move. You slowly turned your head to the side to see the full limo, the carpeted floors were a dark shade of brown, with intricate patterns woven into the fabric. The windows were tinted, giving the interior a mysterious and exclusive feel.

There was also a bar that was built into the side of the limo. It was fully stocked with an array of drinks, from champagne to sparkling water. Crystal glasses and silver ice buckets were neatly arranged, ready to be used at a moment's notice.

Including, small, twinkling lights that were embedded in the ceiling, casting a warm glow throughout the entire car. It was the perfect ambiance for a special occasion, but not this kind.

You looked over to the man, he didn't look rich but clearly, he was.

"Just because I'm not human, doesn't mean I can't have my fun," Aides told you, as if he read your mind. He moved from the squeezed seat to the other leather couch. "Want a band-aid or something?"

You rolled your eyes at him, wincing as you sat yourself up.

Your ribs ached with every breath, and you could barely move without wincing in pain. But you couldn't show that you were in actual pain. Your arms and legs were heavy and sluggish, you knew they were barely able to support you.

Even your fingers ached, as if they were used as punching bags, but you still threw on your hoodie, quietly wincing again as you slowly put your hands down. You replied, "stop acting like you care, you're a psychopath."

"Maybe I am, I've been on this planet for thousands of years because of Soter and Destiny. They put me here thinking I'd never find my way. That is, until this happened."

"Who's Soter...and Destiny?"

"Glad you're asking questions," Aides smiled.

You scoffed, picking up your limp hand and wiping your nose, noticing that it was blood. "Great," you muttered under your breath.

"Tissue?" Aides said, extending a hand to you that held one. You looked from him to the tissue a few times with a disgusted face, you would never take anything from him.

You scoffed at him and pinched the bone of your nose, holding your head back in hope to stop the bleeding.

"You must be thinking I'm evil cause of the name, y'know, Hades. I'd say Hades from your human mythologies was just a misunderstood guy."

You stopped pinching your nose, checking if it was still bleeding, you then looked out the tinted window. You knew that there was no way out.

"So where's this Bakugo guy? I can't wait to meet him," Aides said, his eyes glinting with mischief and excitement.

You knew Aides couldn't wait to kill him, that's why you could never actually get him to Bakugo. "I've already told you, over my dead body."

"Oh," Aides responded, his grin disappearing. "We don't have to go through what happened earlier, do we?"

"You're never gonna get to him, he's safe."


Bakugo walked down the busy streets of the city, his eyes scanning the buildings and people around him with a scowl on his face. He shoved his hand into his pocket, but keeping your phone tightly in his grasp with his other hand. Every once in a while he would look down at it, using it to navigate his way to his needed location.

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