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"Let's talk" yoongi told me as soon as everyone left.....I thought he wanted to talk to both of us...i looked at jungkook..but he just grabbed my wrist and took me to a room...leaving jungkook behind.

He sat on the bed as he stared at me...
"Did you hid your relationship because I hid mine?"

"Wha-...noo.....that's not how...it is....I mean it's..." Yoongi was looking at me expectantly ad I was fumbling with my words "I was gonna tell you...but....I ..-

"What is it,y/n?"

I sighed as I said the next words "i didn't know how...to tell you... ..it was all new to me...so....before I could get the courage...to tell you.....all these things happened.......and I...." I just looked down at my lap...feeling frustrated when I couldn't explain everything to yoongi.

I felt a gentle stroke on my head...I looked up and saw yoongi smiling gently at me....well that definitely made me sigh a relief.

"Am not mad at you..... I could never be.
It's just strange seeing you in a relationship....." I smiled at him sensing his concern and love towards me"it feels like you've grown up".

"Yoongi, I am a grown up"
He just rolled his eyes at me.....but a few seconds later I felt his warm embrace...

"Am sorry "


"Am sorry.....sis.....I couldn't protect you this time too......It would've been so hard on you....."I heard a sob escape from him.....I knew he was controlling himself not to cry....."Am such a bad brother....I trusted that jerk....and ....I let him get closer to you.....I just- " before he could blame himself even more ....I interrupted him.

"You saved me,Yoongi.....you always did.........and you're the best brother that I could ever wish for ....you're my everything....and we both trusted him blindly and we both got betrayed" i pulled away from the hug..."but now everything's over....."

He nodded his head "yeah....everything is over for good.....but I still can't believe he was behind everything..."

"Yeah.....I never thought....that h-he......"

Yoongi side hugged me...rubbing my shoulder soothing...."let's just forget that bad memories, y/n-ah " I just nodded "and also you're boyfriend must be waiting for you"

"Uh ....um ...yeah..." I looked away from him.......I didn't tell him that he isn't my boyfriend anymore.

"Is something wrong?"

"Well......we....kind of..broke up"

"Huh?." He looked confused "what do you mean by 'kind of"

"Just something happened and we...-"

"What was the reason? ,what happened?"

"Um....well ....he trusted minjun more and that brought few misunderstanding between us ....which led to the breaking up".

"He trusted him more than you?" He scoffed as His mood turned totally sour...it looks like yoongi is mad about jungkook trusting that jerk."I can't believe jungkook literally trusted that asshole....I know he is his uncle but still-"

"Well.....didn't we trusted Jong blindly...so you can't be mad at him,yoongi.....it wasn't his fault."
Yoongi glared at me...

"Are you taking his side.....while you guys broke up?".

"I....I am n-not taking his side or anything it's just-

"Whatever it is,y/n.....I think you both should stay away for a while..."

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrow as I stared confused at him......I really don't understand what yoongi is trying to say.

"You guys didn't broke up because of misunderstanding.....you guys just didn't had enough trust between you...." I was trying to understand what yoongi meant.."I think it's just a mere attraction between you two......why don't you give it sometime to get to know your real feelings".

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