Hoseok's a witch

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I squinted my eyes when the sun disturbed my warm morning sleep....i guess i cant sleep anymore since i woke up already,after finishing my morning routine  ..i checked my phone as it didnt stop notifying it was messeges from jungkook  ...my boyfriend.

Red flag🚩
Good morning,love💞

Good morning🥰

Red flag🚩
did you sleep well.

Yeah, i did
And you?

Red flag🚩
How can i sleep well,tesoro
when you kept me awake all night


Red flag🚩
you've been running through my mind all night.

um....am sorry i guess

Red flag🚩
I miss you too much...i'll come pick u up if u dont mind.

Um...well i have an early class so hoseok is gonna pick me up.

Red flag🚩
so when will i see you .

i will see you after class i guess

Red flag🚩
but ...i cant wait that long

well if you date a med student then you have to be very...patience with me

Red flag🚩
Hmm.....you might be a med student but am Jeon jungkook i will defintely see you soon.

what do you mean

Red flag
you will see , tesoro.

I dont know what he is thinking but i hope its not something crazy.....

I went to yoongi's room to check up on him....he was still sound asleep .....so i just made my way downtairs to the kitchen.

"i didnt knew you can cook?"

i took a seat on the dining table...

"Yeah , its not that much good i think"

"i know it'll be good,jimin-shi"

he cracked a smile.

"How is he?"

"he's better now....it doesnt hurt that much but he still needs to be careful."

"hm......" i cant stop thinking about how he risked everything just for my happiness....

"Hey" i felt jimin putting his hand on mine gently giving a small squeeze"stop blaming yourself,it was not your fault in any way and you already know he wouldn't like that."

I gave him a nod....

"y/n if you dont mind can i ask you something?"....i looked up to him...

"yeah, you dont have to think that i'll mind you." maybe its because i was rude to him in the past he isnt that close to me.

"did you start playing it?"

"Um...i was thinking about trying it today....but am not quite sure about it".

"just think about your brother and you'll do it with a ease .....that's how you guys are....doing all things for each other."

"i will"


i was in the college already waiting for hoseok....i didnt updated him anything about yesterday since i was out of my mind....i think i'll take it slow but we already kissed twice....i thought about treating him well because i was grateful  for him and also maybe cause i have a liking towards him...who am i kidding 
i love him... i dont even understand how it happened ....how i fell for him...how i always get lost whenever i see him smile..i have became a hopeless romantic.

hoseok came to class after a while and we chose the last row to sit .....i mean we have a lot to talk so ....we need some privacy....i told hoseok everything about the date ....i mean it ended with a kiss so its definitely a date.

"so...am gonna be an uncle"

"what the fuck, hoseok"

"oh come on , you two are head over heels for each other ....and i bet he is gonna  propose you for marriage when he sees you ".

"what" i looked at hoseok like he grew some horns.....what the fuck goes in his mind....i was gonna give him a very serious talk right now but my attention went towards the class door when i saw jungkook there holding a flower boquet...FLOWER BOUQUET ...JUNGKOOK.....MARRIAGE....NO FUCKING WAY......

"hello .....Mr.Mattews.....sorry to disturb your class but it was really urgent " jungkook told to mr.mattews( he is our professor)

"oh no jungkook .....its okay...what do you need and whats with the flowers"
Mr.mattews didnt seem to mind him ....i guess its  a perk of being a Jeon.

"Am here to give this to my girlfriend....i wont take much time just a minute".

"your girlfriend".

Jungkook just smiled at Mr.Mattews and made his way towards me...please tell me he is not going to ask me for marriage ...i mean there is no way i will reject him but its too sooon i need to talk to yoongi about it .....and and i need to complete my studies also what about the competition and all.....but maybe jungkook will allow me to study after marriage and we will come together as married couple......SHIT WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING.....NOOOOO STOP THINKING ...

Hoseok was giving me thumbs up like what the fuck hoseok....you are such a ...I dont what to say everytime when hoseok says something it just becomes reality ..is he a time traveler or a witch casting spell or something.

as soon as i came out of my trance i saw jungkook infront me holding a mixed colours of tulips.

as soon as i came out of my trance i saw jungkook infront me holding a mixed colours of tulips

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"I told you i will meet you soon ,tesoro"

"You are gonna have 5 kids" I gasped when I heard hoseok whispering to me...

I looked at jungkook waiting for me to say something "we......w-we ...isn't 5 kids too much" I whispered to jungkook

His eyes widened and I heard hoseok laughing like a maniac.

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