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As soon as we entered the hospital i saw everyone there

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As soon as we entered the hospital i saw everyone there ...namjin, hobi ,tae and jimin everyone was already there.....i stood on my place when i saw it was an operation room....so many thoughts were running through my mind....am even scared to even ask anything.....i grabbed joon's hand

"how is he  ? how did this even happen?" my vision was getting blurry from the tears.....and i was just praying that everything would be alright and it will be nothing serious....

"i dont know y/n....we just got the call from some stranger......"

"how bad is it?"

"i dont know......they still didn't say anything" he hugged me comfortingly

"Dont worry y/n.....he will be alright ....he is our strong yoongi ...."he was telling me to be strong....when i could see how joon's eyes are blood red from crying.....and his hands are shaking holding me......

I went towards his door and stood outside .....i could see him through the glass on door.......i could see my brother lying on the bed .....he is in pain......he is hurt.....and seeing all the blood on him ....its really too much......i slid down beside the door ...... i grabbed my hair in both hands its the thing i always do when am stressed out.....i felt another pair of hands grabbing mine....gently...when i looked up it was jungkook ...he was crouched down infront of me...

"hey....." he took me in his embrace ........"a-am scared,kook.....i-i don-dont want to see him li-like this....it hurts" i just let myself getting hugged "shh....i know i know....no one wants to see him like this......he'll be alright ,he has too ....." i could see his eyes were moist ....he was holding himself back from crying ....."come on get up" he took me towards the chairs ....and made me sit there .....

jin oppa and hobi came beside me....so i was sitting betweeb them ..jin giving me reassurance as he was gently stroking my head made me put my head on his shoulder.....everyone was worried ....joon and jin oppa look like they cried .....taehyung and hobi were looking worried .....and jungkook he was just pacing back and forth .....giving a worried glance at me.....and when i caught his eyes on me he'll just give me reassuring smile....but jimin he looks heartbroken.....he didnt even look at me for once....is it because of the thing that happened in cafeteria ......but now is not the time to think Bout it.....then why is jimin looks so hurt and he looks like he cried too much....

i went towards him" jimin,are you hiding something?" still he is avoiding looking at me.

I was about to ask him again....but i saw the doctor coming out from the operation room.....

"Patient's family?" the doctor asked looking at everyone .......and immediately everyone replied with nodding their heads and saying  yes....

"how is he??" it was jin ... everyone was too worried to ask that ......."well he injured his shoulder pretty bad and lost too much blood ." Everyone gasped at that ....."...but we were able to treat him ....and the operation was succesful .....his shoulder needs sometime to recover and work until that you have to take the uttermost care of him".

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