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Thinking about the video......i dont think i should go to college today.....or any other day......i couldnt sleep last night ....not even for a single second......mostly because of jungkook ...i dont know what 's going on in his mind........ the little moment we had in there its just too much.....it made feel things that i dont wanna feel......what if he is pretending all this things just to make fun of me later.....and he said those words.....like he isnt afraid of me........But if i didnt go today everyone would think that it really was my fault and i was the bad guy..........

"you ready,luv?"...yonngi asked me....


"dont worry....i'll always stay by your side...and if you change your mind we could stay home"

"no....i want to go there ,min."

i could feel everyone's stare......i felt my hand getting a little squeeze from yoongi .....i could see he is ready to throw himself at the person who will dare to say anything bad about me........i was about to go to my dept. When a man in his forties came to us and told that we were called to Dean's office ........

no.......i looked at yoongi .......

"no matter what happens .....i wont let go of your hand.....and nothing will happen to you ....i promise.. ..and if its too much for you .....we could leave this place anytime you want"

i just nodded at him.....and made our ways towards the office......but on our way....i saw few students there .....outside the office like they are present to enjoy someone's suffering ....
i saw jong dae running towards us

" y/n....are you alright....am sorry i didnt come to you yesterday.....but how did this all happen"

"i...i dont know ,jong"

"oh come on y/n...we all know who that could be"...yoongi told us

"...am sorry guys" jong was feeling bad by the doings of his sister.....

"its not your fault jong...leave it"...

"And jong......please just stay out of it.....i know you care about me and u want to help me.....but this time i'll take care of ot"......i really dont want him to help going against his own family ......just being my friend is everything that i could ask from him

as we entered inside .......i saw the some teacher's staff in there ....and off course chae hee has to be here out of all people........

" Ms.Min y/n and Mr.Min Yoongi ...i hope you both already know the reason about calling you here"

"yes ....we do sir".....yoongi replied to him politely......since am too scared to talk

"so....seeing these circumstances..its better if Ms.Min y/n get transfers to another college"

"what?"........i cant believe this .....they are really thinking about this.....wihout even hearing my explanation

"look y/n.....its for your betterment and for other's safety"

"Excuse me...sir i was proven innocent maybe it took some time....but am Innocent.....and that's why you approved me in this college" i cant just listen to his bullshit what he means by everyone's safety

"I dont think you have any kind of talk in this decision"

" so....you are just sending away because of just some video from past"

"not you yoongi.....you could keep studying here...."

"i dont want that sir....if you are sending her away....."i heard yoongi protest .....he would never stay here without me..."and you already knew about this before sir .....you are just taking an action because of some rumors....thats not right.."

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