Chapter 6

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Kookie's Pov:

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Kookie's Pov:

I was surprised to see my best friend, Tae, who died in an accident a few months ago, in this place. How could he be here? Was it my imagination, or was Tae standing in front of me? My mind was swimming in confusion. I just stood there, staring at him, my eyes transfixed on him. It was Tae, his face so familiar and his contagious smile so vivid in my mind.

 It was Tae, his face so familiar and his contagious smile so vivid in my mind

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But how can it be? I went to his funeral, I grieved for him, and I slowly began to come to terms with the fact that he was gone. And yet here he stood before me as if he defied the laws of the universe. My mind whirled, trying to make sense of it all. Was it a cruel joke for someone to make fun of me? But when I looked into his eyes, I saw the same love and kindness that he always showed me.

It was not an illusion or my imagination; it was him, no doubt. I was left feeling completely lost. clouding my thoughts and leaving me struggling to find answers. How could a person who tragically lost his life suddenly reappear? Was it some supernatural event, a disturbance in the fabric of reality? Or did I simply lose my grip on reason, and my grief manifested as hallucinations? I hesitantly extended my hand, shaking as it moved closer to Tae's hand.

 How could a person who tragically lost his life suddenly reappear? Was it some supernatural event, a disturbance in the fabric of reality? Or did I simply lose my grip on reason, and my grief manifested as hallucinations? I hesitantly extended my...

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The feeling was tangible as if I had touched him. And then my fingers touched his cheek, sending an electric shock through my body. It was undeniable; Tae was here, standing before me, his presence as palpable as ever. I experienced a mix of emotions, including happiness, doubt, and sadness. How could I not feel the weight of his absence and the emptiness that remained in my heart? But at that moment, all I felt was immense gratitude for this unexpected reunion.

I knew the world would never understand or believe what had happened, but it didn't matter. What was significant was our connection, which was broken by the possibility of death. And so I took Tae's hand in mine, feeling the warmth of his touch and the comfort of his presence...

The two of us were there, despite all the obstacles, ready to face whatever came our way. At that moment, I decided to let go of my doubts and fears and embrace the gift of a second chance. Tae may be gone, but this time he was here, and I will do my best to make the most of every moment we have together.

As we remained there, joined in our quiet comprehension, I realized that this was a second that would remain with me for eternity. Furthermore, regardless of what's in store, I will constantly clutch the memory of this extraordinary get-together, a demonstration of the persevering through force of affection and association.

I was lost in thought until he spoke to me, asking, "Are you looking for someone? Why are you holding my hand? Do you need help?" I couldn't understand why he was asking me like I was a stranger; I was his best friend and his closest companion. How can he ask me such dumb questions? Doesn't he remember our friendship? I was confused but I took the courage to ask, "Don't you remember me?" To my astonishment, he said, "No, I haven't seen you before, could you let go of me? It's making me uncomfortable. Also, please don't approach strangers and hold their hands like you did with me; they may hit you."

I got confused because I thought he wasn't my Tae since my Tae wouldn't forget about me. With that in mind, I start to leave, but then I pause and inquire about his name. He answers, "Alex."

 As I stood there, my thoughts were running with a mix of emotions and confusion as I pondered what to do next. Is it worth trusting him, accepting that he's not my Tae, and going to the other side with a conviction that this was just an misunderstanding? I was gnawed by the uncertainty, which made it difficult to make a decision.

With a sad heart, I hesitated, prepared to depart and come to terms with the fact that my Tae was no longer in my life. However, a feeling inside me compelled me to contemplate the situation and provide this individual with an opportunity. Maybe there is a logical reason for the name difference. Perhaps there is a deeper layer to this tale than what is immediately apparent.

Gathering up my courage, I turned to him, and my voice trembled slightly as I asked, "Are you sure your name is Alex?" His eyes met mine, and for a moment he nodded, his expression softening. "Yes, my name is Alex," he confirmed.

I walked away from him, my mind full of thoughts

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I walked away from him, my mind full of thoughts. It's like seeing Tae, but with a different name. It felt like a punch to the stomach as I tried to make sense of the situation.

Tae and I have been inseparable for years, sharing countless memories and supporting each other through thick and thin. The thought that he had forgotten me seemed incomprehensible. Yet here I stood, facing a stranger who bore an uncanny resemblance to Tae, but had a unique identity.

I struggled with my thoughts, finding solace in retreating to my secret place. I couldn't help but thank God for the rays of hope that seeing a man who resembled heaven brought to my heart. It gave me the strength to go on and made me eager to meet this person, Alex, who looked a lot like my beloved Tae.  I made a decision to pay Alex a visit the following morning, eager to explore the mysteries that tied our paths together.

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