Chapter 5

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Kali's Pov:

The following morning, upon awakening, I made it a point to check on the person from the previous night

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The following morning, upon awakening, I made it a point to check on the person from the previous night. To my astonishment, he was already awake and in a steady condition.

Without wasting any time, I introduced myself as the person who had bought him the previous night and treated his injuries. Additionally, I extended an offer for breakfast, which he surprisingly did not refuse. As I served him breakfast in the dining area, I took the opportunity to offer my condolences regarding the loss of his dear friend, Tae.

I could see a flicker of sadness in his eyes as I mentioned Tae's name. He thanked me for my kind words and shared a few memories of their friendship. It was evident that Tae held a special place in his heart, and the pain of losing him was still fresh.

 It was evident that Tae held a special place in his heart, and the pain of losing him was still fresh

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Kookie: I want to talk about something that happened to me a few days ago. I know you won't believe what I'm about to tell you, so please don't interrupt me while I describe the situation in detail.

Kali: Okay!

Kookie Pov:

Following Tae's passing, I found myself engulfed in a deep and suffocating darkness. The loss of my dear friend had shattered my world, leaving me feeling utterly lost and without purpose. The pain was unbearable, and I saw no way out of the overwhelming despair that consumed me. In the depths of my anguish, I made the heart-wrenching decision to end my own life.

 I believed that by escaping this cruel reality, I could finally find solace and reunite with Tae in whatever lies beyond

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I believed that by escaping this cruel reality, I could finally find solace and reunite with Tae in whatever lies beyond. But as I embarked on this harrowing journey, fate intervened, weaving its intricate web of unforeseen circumstances.

Every attempt I made to take my own life was met with failure. It seemed as though the universe itself was conspiring against my desperate desire for release. The pills I swallowed only induced sickness, leaving me weak and trembling but still alive.

The noose I fashioned with trembling hands somehow snapped, sparing me from the embrace of death's cold grip. Even the razor blade that I pressed against my skin seemed to lose its sharpness, refusing to pierce through the surface.

With each failed attempt, a glimmer of doubt began to flicker within me. Was this a sign? Was there a reason why I was being prevented from ending my suffering? It was as if the universe was whispering to me, urging me to reconsider, to find another path, no matter how obscured it may be. After deciding to hold onto the memories of my friend Tae, I found myself caught up in a series of problems. My manager sent some goons to track me down, and I tried everything possible to avoid being found, eventually seeking refuge in a secret spot.

 My manager sent some goons to track me down, and I tried everything possible to avoid being found, eventually seeking refuge in a secret spot

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However, two months earlier, while on my way to a convenience store, I was caught by my manager's security team. Despite managing to break free and run away, they continued to chase me relentlessly. Knowing that being caught would mean my end, I ran as fast as I could without looking back. In my haste, I stumbled into a strange new place where I found myself alone and surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. 

The atmosphere was eerie and unsettling, with strange plants and a chilling feeling in the air

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The atmosphere was eerie and unsettling, with strange plants and a chilling feeling in the air. After walking for about 5-6 kilometers, I became thirsty and felt like I had entered a completely different world.

 After walking for about 5-6 kilometers, I became thirsty and felt like I had entered a completely different world

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The strange vibe of the place made me feel like I was reuniting with a long-lost friend. Eventually, I came across a few houses, but one in particular caught my eye.

 Without thinking, I approached the house and rang the doorbell. Within 40 seconds, the door opened, revealing the face of my most desired person.

 Within 40 seconds, the door opened, revealing the face of my most desired person

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