Chapter 9

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Jungkook: Based on your statement, it seems I did travel to a parallel world

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Jungkook: Based on your statement, it seems I did travel to a parallel world. As a result, I came to terms with the reality of my experience, where the person I used to think was Alex is my Tae from this alternate dimension.

Kali: Exactly!

Jungkook: If Tae dies in this world, he also dies in the other world. I can't let this happen. I have to act. I have to stop this. The thought of him suffering the same fate in multiple dimensions is unbearable, and I am determined to do everything in my power to avoid this tragedy. 

I cannot stand still when the life of someone so dear to me is gone, both in this reality and beyond. The mere thought of his existence being extinguished everywhere fills me with urgency and despair. I must act immediately, intervene, and change the course of events that could lead to his death.

The weight of this responsibility rests heavily on my shoulders, but I don't let it crush me. I am driven by a fierce determination to protect Tae, to protect him from harm in all possible worlds. To ensure his safety and well-being, I am willing to go the extra mile and face any obstacle or challenge.

Kali: Each world has its unique conclusion, and different outcomes can occur. For example, if Tae is dead in one world, he can be alive in another world for a whole century. Similarly, if he is your close friend in this world, he may turn out to be your worst enemy in the other world. Being good in this world doesn't mean you aren't evil in another world.

In each world, the possibilities are endless, and the outcomes can vary greatly. The concept of parallel universes suggests that every decision, every action, and every event can lead to a multitude of diverging paths. This means that even the smallest choices can have profound effects on the course of one's life and the lives of those around them.

It is important to recognize that our actions and behaviors in one world do not necessarily define us in another. Just because one may exhibit kindness and compassion in this reality, it does not guarantee the absence of wickedness or malevolence in another. Each world presents its own set of circumstances, challenges, and temptations that can shape our character and influence our choices.

In this vast multiverse of possibilities, the notion of a singular, fixed identity becomes obsolete. We are not confined to a single version of ourselves but rather exist in a multitude of variations across different worlds. The outcomes we experience, the relationships we cultivate, and the choices we make are all subject to the infinite possibilities that exist within the vast expanse of parallel universes.

Jungkook: There is still a chance, and I refuse to put my Tae life at stake for foolish results.

Kali: No matter how hard you try, you can't change what's meant to be. Fate has a way of working itself out, no matter what universe you're in. So instead of trying to fight against it, embrace it and trust that everything happens for a reason. Just keep moving forward and let destiny take its course. Trust in the journey and have faith that everything will fall into place in the end. So, Jungkook, remember to stay true to yourself and trust in the power of fate.

Jungkook: Sorry, I can't do it this time. I won't let anyone stop me from saving my Tae from death. Whether it's fate or a higher power, I'll stand up against anyone who tries to come between me and Tae. I don't care if the whole world is against me; I'll find a way to make the impossible possible. If you want, you can join me on this journey, or I'll go it alone.

Kali: Wait, if you're so sure about it, then why should I interfere? Just spill the beans; what's the plan?

Kali: Wait, if you're so sure about it, then why should I interfere? Just spill the beans; what's the plan?

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