-Chapter 16- Evil cupcake

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"See you in the dark
All eyes on you, my magician
All eyes on us
You make everyone disappear, and
Cut me into pieces
Gold cage, hostage to my feelings
Back against the wall
Tripping, tripping when you're gone"

- "So It Goes..." by Taylor Swift


   Okay, so a lot has happened in the last half an hour. We found there was a bomb in the bathroom which exploded and we would be dead if it wasn't for the girl with purple eyes (who seemed to be Lloyd's new crush). Later we fought again with the Mechanic and a strange snake woman who called herself Asphera, she wasn't any more likable than the Mechanic. Again they tried to kill us, then they seemed to know the strange girl and almost killed her. Some space for more fighting. And when we thought we were out of trouble the girl with the purple eyes turned out to be the mysterious girl we had been looking for who, according to Lloyd, is a serial killer who murdered Master Wu.

   But the worst of all was meeting Kayla. I mean, that girl is crazy! How could anyone forget that there was a bomb in the bathroom? How could anyone just throw a metal tube toward its enemy just because it offended her? And how could someone start a fight in the middle of a battle because someone called her cupcake? It's not my fault she kind of looked like one! Besides I hadn't been able to eat the Thanksgiving dinner because of this whole thing. I was hungry!

   Kayla was standing next to the girl with the purple eyes while the others were convincing her to follow us. Since the girl had shut off Kayla angrily when she went to help her with her wounds, Kayla had stayed strangely quiet, looking from side to side while Lloyd and her friend fought.

    She maybe noticed I was glaring at her cause she looked at me and simply smiled and said, "What? Want a photo?"

    "Ha! Not even in my dreams," I said as I crossed my arms. "You should first look at yourself in a mirror before offering photos."

    "Then why do you keep looking at me?" she asked rolling her eyes and putting her hands on her hips.

    This girl was unbelievable! She really thought I looked at her because I was interested in her or something. Well, she was kind of pretty, but that's where all her glamour ended! She was childish, annoying, and mean!

    "Wow so now I cannot even look at your direction," I said.

    "Well not in the way you were looking, it was freaking me out."

    "Could you cut it off already? We are trying to discuss important matters over here!" said Nya.

    Kayla seemed to know Nya because she smiled at her and excused herself. But she only seemed to act that nicely in front of her and the other because she then turned to me and sucked her tongue out. I rolled my eyes at her and sucked my tongue back. I hate her.

    They seemed to be convincing the girl with purple eyes to come with us and from what I understand it seemed they had been successful. They were talking about what should come next and what each theory of who could be behind it all. As I looked to see Kayla again. Her expression had slowly turned into realization as she understood that her friend was going to leave with us.

    "Wait," she said moving her arms. "So you are going with them?"

    "I mean if they are going to fight against the people who had me imprisoned for a long time, then...yes." said the girl. "I wouldn't mind a bit of revenge."

    "Then you are leaving Arya...?" said Kayla with a broken voice. We all shifted uncomfortably where we were standing. This was taking an emotional turn. Then Kayla's eyes seemed to harden as she pushed back some tears and lifted her chin to say, "Then I'm coming with you."

It Ends NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora