-Chapter 14- A bomb in the bathroom

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"All I used to do was pray
Would've, could've, should've
If you'd never looked my wayI would've stayed on my knees
And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil
At nineteen
And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven
And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts
Memories feel like weapons
And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering"

- "Would've, Could've, Should've", By Taylor Swift


After seeing how talented Arya was I knew I couldn't let that potential be wasted so I thought of the greatest surprise for her. Wouldn't it be awesome for her to participate at the talent snow of tonight? After talking to some of the people in charge of the organization of the ball, I got everything ready so my new friend could spend the best night of her life!

I was looking for Arya when I stumbled into my father and some of his friends. They seemed to be discussing a very important topic and some of them looked irritated by my arrival. It's not like I interrupted them on purpose.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," I said with a fake smile. "I was just looking for my friend. I'll leave now..." Sadly my father looked at me with a cold stone face.

Don't you dare go before you present yourself properly or you'll have consequences. He seemed to say with his eyes.

"Well but where are my manners" I said smiling even brighter. "I am Kayla, Mr. Lee's daughter," I gesture to my father as he continues with the act. We laughed together and he pulled me into a hug. A hug in which he could have gripped my arm a little too tight.

"Oh, my dear! Of course, we know who you are!" said a woman. She was wearing a purple violet dress, simple but pretty with a mask with a darker tone of purple with shining diamond stones, which helped highlight her dark skin. She was holding one of the members of the counsel arm so I might guess she was his wife, but because of the mask, it was hard to recognize either of them. This only made my act even harder, if screw this conversation up it will unleash hell in my house. " I just didn't place you correctly because of the mask. Trust me I almost didn't recognize President Trustable." She laughed and the others nodded and joined the polite joke of the women.

I shifted my gaze and turned to look at the only one in our little circle who was not laughing. Mr Trustable had been, in my opinion, one of the worst mayors Ninjago City has ever had. When the Crystal King attacked he didn't offer any aid to the people who weren't able to evacuate the city in time. He was a coward who had run away and left his people to die. He abandoned Ninjago and left it at the mercy of the new great evil that had arisen. If it weren't for the ninja neither of us would be standing here right now. And if he hadn't done enough damage to this city, he won the elections for Ninjago presidency. How could someone so unloyal to their people and who had shown so weak in times of calamities when his city needed him to be strong have won the elections? Good question, I am almost a hundred percent sure he committed fraud. As soon as he rose to power he made everyone believe the ninja were the real cause of our trouble because since their disappearance there hasn't been any attack. So he established a new law against all elemental masters. All who were elemental master were prohibited from using their powers without special permission granted by the government. If used without permission it will cost them their freedom.

I hate everything he stands for and for the lies, he uses to build his way out of trouble. The ninjas were a threat and trouble for him so he lied about them creating rumors until society finally gave in and started to reject them, to hate them. He controlled the citizens of Ninjago by using their hate and anger as a weapon against his enemies. And changing information so it all vaporizes him. Each of his moves was calculated, it was all his design, as he had always been the mastermind behind it all.

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