-Chapter 13- I Attend the Most Dramatic Party Ever

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Warning: There's a mention of abusive parents that might affect certain readers. If you don't want to read it, you can skip from the time skip (or when you see this🐉symbol) to the rest of the chapter. And you can text in the comments so I can give a brief description of that part.


"This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you"

-Enchanted (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift


  I made the new girl I encountered spin in her place as the song came to an end. Her arms were crossed in front of her as each of them was taken by mine. Her back leaned on my torso as she tried to twist her neck to look at me. I also didn't leave my eyes off her. Her purple mask was inches away from mine. Her purple eyes sparkled under the lighting of the ball. I couldn't understand completely her eyes, but then again mine weren't as simple to understand either. I could see the blush placed under her mask. She had a little make-up that only covered little imperfections (not that she had any, I couldn't picture anyone else as beautiful).

  The crowd clapped which made me slowly come back to reality. I didn't realize how much I'd spent staring at her. There was always something else to discover. Her wonders didn't seem to cease. Who was this girl? And why was she making me this vulnerable, after I promised myself to never be like that ever again?

  My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a microphone tapping. A guy with a white and golden mask was standing in front of the crowd. When he realized the microphone had worked, he started talking.

  "Welcome to the Talent Show. We are excited to present this year's candidates. I'm here to announce theirs a new order for the presentations. Dew to the number of people that were listed in the party was going to do it by alphabetic order." Some of the people groaned at the comment. I honestly wasn't paying much attention. I was annoyed by something else. I deep down wanted to dance another song with the mysterious girl, but thanks to the stupid show I couldn't. Speaking of her, I felt her hand tap my shoulder to get my attention.

  "Did you know about the talent show?" She asked, looking at me for the first time since the dance. I was about to drift once more into her eyes, but I focused on staying attentive.

  "Oh, yeah. A friend is performing." I said. I wouldn't consider him a friend by now, though she didn't have to know that. Her eyes widened with curiosity.

  "What do you perform in a Talent Show?" I found the question odd. The name was pretty self-explanatory, yet I answered the question.

  "It really depends on what your talent is. Some people do magic, others sing, dance, and stuff." Her eyes illuminated, but I didn't know if it was because of the light or her excitement. Her smile brightened. I felt myself blush once more. She had done something to me, and I knew what. Still, I wasn't about to complain.

  "Sing?" The word barely escaped her lips. It was as if something had sparked inside of her. Did she know how to sing? Curiosity almost automatically took control of my mind. If she could sing, I wanted to hear it. I wanted to cheer for her. I wanted to be the first to listen to her. "Wait, so people show their elemental powers?" She asked. I blinked confused. The question caught me completely off guard. "Cuz, I don't think it's fair to show a talent that's genetic and win a trophy for it."

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