59.74 seconds...

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"KYOTO HIGH! DEVOTE YOUR HEARTS! KYOTO HIGH! DEVOTE EVERYTHING!" The balding third-year student bellowed, his voice echoing through the trees as he clutched his chest with dramatic flair.

In the midst of the forest, the students of Kyoto High gathered as the exchange event loomed on the horizon. 

Instead of joining in the third year's fervor, they stood with fingers pressed firmly into their ears, seeking refuge from the onslaught of sound.

"We're going to let them win the first day, don't be so dramatic..." The third-year girl with glasses remarked dryly.

"S-Sorry... You know... It's the adrenaline hitting me." The balding man says, his voice now subdued.

"Alright now, Jujutsu High students! Are you ready for the annual Tokyo High and Kyoto High's Goodwill Exchange Event?!" boomed the voice of Kyoto High's teacher, whose cursed technique manipulated the volume and trajectory of their voice with expert precision. 

It was a familiar sound, signaling the start of the event, with this teacher serving as the perennial announcer and MC for the event.

"Now! 3! 2! AND 1! START!" The teacher's command echoed through the forest, setting the stage for the day's event.

But as the countdown concluded, the students of Kyoto High remained rooted to the spot, their movements hesitant as they exchanged glances and murmured amongst themselves, seeking to pass the time until action was required.

Utahime then caught sight of (Y/N) resting against a tree, his attention focused on his watch.

"Hey, what are you checking?" she inquired as she walked toward him.

"It's probably almost time," (Y/N) replied quietly.

Before Utahime could inquire further, the teacher's voice once again pierced the air.

"B-Battle's o-over!!! The first day's victory goes to Tokyo High! Managing to exorcise all the cursed spirits!!!" The teacher's declaration reverberated throughout the forest, eliciting a collective gasp of surprise and disbelief from the students of Kyoto.

"W-Wow... Just... Wow..."The third-year girl with glasses remarked, her voice tinged with astonishment as the reality of the situation sank in.

"59.74 seconds..." (Y/N) muttered under his breath.

Utahime realized that (Y/N) had been counting how many seconds it took for them to lose. 

(Y/N) chuckled nervously, his shoulders slumping slightly as he admitted, "I hoped it would pass a minute, but I guess not, huh?"


On the opposite side of the forest, Geto stood tall, a sphere formed from the captured cursed spirits swirling around him. He glanced across the clearing to where Gojo lounged on a tree branch.

"Satoru, looks like they decided to let us win this round. I guess this must be their strategy because I doubt that they'll completely give up," Geto remarked casually, tossing the sphere of spirits into the air and catching it effortlessly.

Gojo, ever the picture of nonchalance, looked down at his friend with an amused glint in his eyes. "Hmm... I guess so, huh? But I just can't help but feel like they're playing with us, Suguru..."

With a casual flick of his wrist, Gojo tossed the head of a cursed spirit over his shoulder.

"So, betting everything on tomorrow's individual battle... Who do you think they'll send out to fight you?" Geto asked, though the smile on his face hinted that he already knew the answer.

"Isn't it obvious?" Gojo replied with a confident smirk, his gaze flicking back to the Kyoto High students.

The Second Strongest Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now