The next time we fight...

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Navigating the dimly lit hallway, the two arrive at Gojo's room. Shoko knocks softly before opening the door, a respectful intrusion. 

As they enter, the sight that greets them is both startling and amusing: Gojo is sprawled across his bed, upside down, his head hanging off the edge in an attempt to relieve some discomfort.

(Y/N) can't help but startle at the sight, a quiet gasp escaping him. While Shoko chuckles beside him. "Can't sleep as well, Gojo?"

Gojo rights himself with a groan, sitting up to face them. The sleeping mask is pushed up to his forehead, revealing eyes that, despite their usual sparkle, show signs of weariness. His body, like (Y/N)'s, is wrapped in bandages, a testament to the battle's severity.

"Yep. Not to mention I was getting bored out of my mind," Gojo admits as he adjusts his position on the bed to face them more directly, his bandages rustling softly with the movement.

"Well, what brought you guys here?" 

Shoko, with a knowing look, gestures toward (Y/N). Understanding the cue, (Y/N) clears his throat slightly.

"I just wanted to talk. Nothing too serious though. I guess," (Y/N) says, his tone slightly uncertain, betraying his attempt at nonchalance.

"Yeah, sure," Gojo responds with a nod, his expression open and inviting.

"I'll be outside, let me know when you're done." Shoko says as she pushes the wheelchair a bit further into the room, ensuring (Y/N) is comfortably situated before she steps back toward the doorway. And with a final reassuring nod to both men, Shoko quietly exits, closing the door softly behind her. 

Gojo is the first to speak with an unexpected frankness, his usual bravado replaced by an earnest vulnerability. "Let's get the obvious out of the way. You sure kicked my ass, (Y/N)... I've never been this hurt in my life. Ever."

(Y/N)'s eyes widen slightly, surprised and somewhat reassured by Gojo's candid acknowledgment. "Well, that makes two of us then," he responds, a wry smile touching his lips.

The tension in the room lightens as they share a laugh, a moment of genuine connection that transcends their previous encounters. It's a laughter filled with mutual respect.

"But, Gojo..." 

(Y/N)'s tone shifts, becoming more serious, reflecting the gravity of his next words. "I gave my everything in that fight. I even managed to succeed in forming my first Domain Expansion. However..." His voice trails off.

"It just wasn't enough." 

(Y/N) finishes, the words heavy. 

"There was this gap I could never bridge..." (Y/N) murmurs, his voice tinged with a hint of despair. He feels the weight of his confession in the silence that follows.

Gojo's response comes after a thoughtful pause, his expression serious, his gaze steady. "That's because I gave my best as well," he begins. 

"Throughout the fight, you caught up to me— No. You surpassed me in every way... But I couldn't allow that. I did everything I could do to widen that gap again. To become stronger than you."

(Y/N) sits still, processing the implications of Gojo's words. He never thought about it like that. The battle wasn't just a test of his own limits—it was also a challenge to Gojo, a call that had been answered with equal fervor.

"It's just the nature of our path as a Jujutsu sorcerer, (Y/N). We are always in pursuit of someone ahead, and there's always someone behind catching up. That's why I will continue to push harder, not just to maintain the gap but to justify it—to myself and to you." Gojo concludes his thoughts. 

(Y/N) takes a moment to absorb the full weight of Gojo's words, the layers of meaning settling into his consciousness. 

Then with a newfound resolve, (Y/N) smiles and throws his fist up. "You do just that then, Gojo. Or else... The next time we fight... You'll regret it with every cell in your body."

Gojo's response is immediate, his own smile mirroring (Y/N)'s as he meets the raised fist with his own. 

"What a politely framed threat,"

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