It's going to be a pretty long day

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"So, you really didn't know?" Shoko asked, stirring her coffee cup, her eyes fixed on (Y/N).

The two were in a quiet café, sitting at a table with drinks in front of them. The ambient hum of morning chatter surrounded them, a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

"Absolutely not. But it all makes sense now—a VIP sorcerer from Tokyo who needs the best protection Kyoto can provide. Who else could it be but the irreplaceable Reverse Cursed Technique user?" (Y/N) said, leaning back and taking a sip of his iced coffee.

Shoko took a sip of her drink as well. "This was a rare case, though. I was originally going to come with Gojo and Geto, but they were assigned to a different mission."

"Hmm? Both of them on the same mission?" (Y/N) asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Funny thing is, from what I've heard, it's also an escort mission. Something related to Master Tengen? They didn't tell me all the details, but I guess it's taking quite some time. They left two days ago." Shoko put her coffee down, her brow furrowed as she tried to recall more.

(Y/N) leaned forward, his curiosity piqued at the mention of Master Tengen.

"Did you hear anything from them yet?"

Shoko shook her head, leaning forward as well.

"You do know that there's nothing to worry about, right? You know what they're capable of."

(Y/N) chuckled softly, realizing he was overthinking it. "Yeah, I know."

With one more sip of his drink, he put all the unease behind him. The café's calm atmosphere and Shoko's reassuring presence made it easier to relax.

"Alright then, remind me again of what we're doing today. I'll be the greatest bodyguard you have ever seen," (Y/N) said half-jokingly with a spirited glint in his eyes.

Shoko smiled and pulled out a piece of paper with a list of addresses.

"It's going to be a pretty long day. We have to visit all these hospitals and meet around five people at each one."

(Y/N) took the paper, examining it closely. "Hmm... Six hospitals... It's 9:31 AM right now, so..." He calculated the time in his head. "We can be done with everything by sunset. That's completely doable," he said nonchalantly.

"Well, that's a boring reaction... Normally, I get some whinings here and there," Shoko said, putting her hand on her head and leaning on the table.

"To be honest, I go home past midnight on most missions I take. But this one, it's just hanging out with you for a day. No complaints from me!" (Y/N) smiled cheerfully.

Shoko smirked at his response but couldn't hide a flicker of concern.

"Hope you get paid enough."

"That. You don't have to worry about." (Y/N) said as he took out his wallet and showed an abundance of cash.

"Damn... I really should've stolen it earlier..." Shoko joked, but then noticed something.


She saw his student ID card and took it out of the wallet, prompting (Y/N) to protest, "H-Hey."

Shoko brought the card closer, a smile slowly forming as she examined it. "Well well. I'm quite honored to have a Special Grade as my personal bodyguard." She put it back in his wallet and patted (Y/N) on the shoulder.

"Congratulations, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) ruffled his hair in embarrassment, inadvertently revealing his forehead scar more in the process.

Shoko's eyes narrowed with curiosity, but she didn't press.

"Thanks... Uh... Let's get going now, yeah?" (Y/N) said, eager to change the subject.

He stood up and grabbed the handle of the suitcase next to them.

"I can carry it around," Shoko offered, standing up and reaching for it.

"Nope." (Y/N) put his hand out, blocking her. Then, headed to the counter to pay for their drinks.

Shoko smiled, a mix of amusement and affection in her eyes, and quickly followed suit.

As they left the café, the sun climbed higher in the sky, signaling the start of the day.

The Second Strongest Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now