Something was off.

I turned back to face my dad, "What are we–"

"I assume I was called here for a formal apology huh?" the top familiar voice said.

I instantly shot my head in the direction of the voice and furrowed my brows.

The guy from the party.

I scanned him from head to toe, making sure I wasn't seeing things. Looking somewhat similar to how I remembered from the party, he looked to be in his late twenties.

Unlike the party he had his hair slicked back with a clean shaven face. I lowered my eyes to the gray striped suit he was wearing.

My dad was right.

Phantom members were notorious for wearing gray, opposed to our recognizable white. I quickly averted my attention back to my dad who motioned him to sit at the circular table with us.

"Have a seat, please." He said, nodding his head at the chair on his right.

"I think I will thanks." the man said sarcastically.

Why was he here?

More importantly why was a member of the Phantoms here?

He grabbed the menu placed on the table."Funny seeing you again, weren't you going to kill me?" he man said, peering up from the menu in his hands.

I stared at him blankly remembering the scene play out. But most importantly I remembered how I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Because Mariah was there, and the only thing I wanted to do– was keep her away from all of this.

"I assume that is why I'm seated here today with the great Damon and Casanova Casper isn't it?" He continued after noticing the silence.

"That is one of the matters I've contacted you to discuss, yes," My dad replied.

"Well I-"

"What's your ranking?" I quickly cut him off.

How high up was he, to where his word could cause a potential war? The leader of the phantoms was also fairly unknown for the most part.

"Is that really relevant here, Casanova?" He questioned.

"Excuse her please," my dad said with a smirk on his face and my jaw immediately tightened.

I kept my eyes locked on the man as a visible smile grew on his face.

"When getting in contact with you I never quite caught your name?" My dad said, raising a brow.

"That's personal information don't you think? But to keep it short, you can call me Dynamo." He said, narrowing his eyes.

I kept my face entirely neutral, fighting the laugh about to break out of my mouth.

That name was so corny.

And I don't think I've ever said corny until I met Mariah.

"Okay then Dynamo..." my dad trailed off side eyeing me, and that only made it harder to hold my laughter back. "What can we get you?" He continued.

"Nothing unless it's a medium rare steak." He said jokingly.

My dad waved his hand at one of the workers motioning them to our table. "Can I get a medium rare steak and some scotch?" He asked, handing the worker the menu.

The worker grabbed the menu from my dads hands "Coming right up sir." he said heading off to a different part of the restaurant.

"Now where were we..?" he said leaning back in the chair.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now