🦉12. Annabeth • "Kids Crash at a Casino"

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Evan looked mortified, which wasn't too surprising to Annabeth. Evan mumbled some things, like, "I haven't seen him since I got my wing shoes..." And, "oh my gods..."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. It seemed just a tad bit dramatic to her. She'd of course be excited to see her mother Athena, but she wouldn't trip over herself. Evan stepped forward. "Dad!"

Hermes turned, and his face lit up. "Oh! Evan, my favorite son," he said, tussling Evan's hair. Annabeth scoffed quietly, and thought, I wonder if my mother loves me best...probably, probably not. "...Favorite?" Evan repeated. "Hah! Eat that, half-siblings."

"Nice one, Delivery Kid," Christian teased. Annabeth guessed the nicknames Kid Thunder and Delivery Kid wouldn't be going away any time soon.

"Before you guys bore me like last time a few years ago, yes, I know about your quest and your 'adventure,'" Hermes confirmed. "I know-or, at least, I think I know, how to get to Gaia's next base of operations."

"But you won't tell us so easily, will you?" Annabeth asked Hermes. She'd seen this before. Hermes chuckled, seeming almost relieved he didn't have to drop any crazy news. "Of course I won't! Glad you remember, daughter of Athena."

Everyone but her and Percy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, hope this ain't a deal breaker-'cause really, it'd only be your loss-but, if you want my help, here's a little 'side quest,' for you guys."

Percy stepped closer. "We're listening..."

Hermes smirked in a sly manner, and Annabeth finally understood where Evan got it from. What a "chip off the ol' block." Hermes stood up, "So, you see, there're these letters to Olympus I have to deliver, and I might've lost 'em around a certain area in Vegas."

"Why haven't you gotten them yourself?" Annabeth questioned, getting suspicious. Hermes replied quickly, "because I knew you were coming, and I'd have to see how committed you were to really getting my help here. As I was saying-the letters are at the Adventuredome Indoor Amusement Park. Find 'em, bring 'em back to me, and I'll tell ya."

"Perfect. 'Cept for one thing-me, Percy, Evan, and Glo are staying here, just in case you try to pull anything, god of thieves," Annabeth demanded. Evan gave her a nudge, as if to say, show some respect!

Hermes continued eyeing the half-bloods, then sat down and got comfy, saying, "Deal. You have my word."

Annabeth sighed in relief, then she turned to Adrian, Citra, and Christian. "Alright guys. I'm sure you know where Adventuredome is, so, be mindful of your drachmas, and don't stay too long."

The trio nodded. After they left, suddenly, air pumping could be heard in the distance. The Lotus Flowers being pumped into the air, Annabeth realized. Suddenly, she forgot a few things. "Why're we standing in the middle of a Casino?" She asked.

"DAD?!" Evan exclaimed.

Hermes chuckled. "This'll be...fun."


Eventually, everyone settled...slowly forgetting more and more by the minute, and Hermes hadn't been doing anything about it either. Glo had been lounging in a chair, looking tired. Annabeth wondered how long it'd been since they'd slept. Percy was pacing, and the adults must've forgotten that teens were underage for casinos, because at one point, Evan was playing Craps.

Annabeth figured a little energy refreshing didn't seem too bad. She found a nice chair that opened up into a bed-like couch, and quickly drifted off.

"You are a fool to think you can defeat me."

Annabeth opened her eyes, and she was on Olympus. But unlike most occasions, it was completely empty. The voice speaking to her was a sharp, painful female voice. Gaia, perhaps. "You know that, don't you, daughter of Athena?"

"No matter what you do, you can't corrupt me," Annabeth stated, getting to her feet and taking out her dagger, named Promise. Gaia laughed deviously. She almost sounded maniacal. Annabeth rushed through Olympus, looking for someone-anyone.

But to no avail.

"Death awaits you, demigod," Gaia warned, sounding extremely close. Annabeth tried to turn around, but she found herself extremely slow. Right before she could see what was behind her, everything went black.


Annabeth woke up gasping for air. Yet another stupid dream, she thought. She looked around. "Where in Hades...am I?" She asked herself. She was in the Lotus Casino, but couldn't remember.

Glo was up and roaming, Evan was lounging, and Percy was now asleep when a crash came through the glass dome ceiling. Annabeth screamed and leaped out of the way of the falling glass. Down came a Tornado...with a figure inside. "An Anemoi," Annabeth whispered. "A storm spirit!" She could at least remember that.

Percy jolted up, Evan stood up, and Glo jolted over to the others. Percy uncapped a ballpoint pen in his pocket, and Riptide, the sword, emerged. Evan held up his gun, Life Ender 3000, Glo set his fist on fire, ready for hand-to-hand combat, and Annabeth slowly pulled out Promise.

Annabeth realized that Hermes was gone, but before she could ponder how and when, the Anemoi darted to the ground, sending windows at seventy miles per hour in every direction, blowing the half-blood away, but the mortals didn't even seem to notice. Annabeth wondered why-she'd forgotten about the Mist.

She quickly rose and ran towards the Anemoi, performing a somersault and stabbing it in the back. It screeched and lunged at Annabeth, allowing Glo to dash over and jump ontj the Anemoi's back, sending a flurry of flaming punches which looked painful, one of which hitting a pressure point.

The Anemoi elbowed Glo in the face, lettibf Annabeth escape. Percy stabbed its arm, forcing it to the ground, for Evan to deliver the finishing blows, shooting it three times in the head. It disintegrated, and the tornado desecrated. Suddenly, Hermes appeared again.

"Where were you?!" Annabeth exclaimed, furrowed eyebrows. "Just...testing your determination," Hermes exclaimed, sipping a Martini.

The Heroes of Camp Half-Blood • Book 1: The Missing Demigodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن