🌊 13. Adrian • "Never Do Labor for a God"

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The Half-Blood trio was heading off to the Adventuredome Indoor Amusement Park to find Hermes's letters to Olympus.

Adrian wasn't sure how to feel about this. He wasn't sure if Hermes was being sincere or not, or if the others would be okay back with Hermes - No, they'll be fine, Adrian thought. This isn't their first time. They know what they're doing. Are we sure WE know what we're doing?

Suba must've been able to tell Adrian was stressed. They seemed to have that connection a lot. Suba slowly wrapped her hand around Adrian's forearm.

"I'm fine, just nervous," he said, lifting his head - and spirits - up. Christian perked up and the sign of conversation. "It's Annabeth and Percy being suspicious of him, that's what's worrying me." Adrian and Suba looked over at him. "They're experienced, so they'd know if something's up. Hermes could be tricking us, getting us into even more trouble than we could already be in."

Adrian thought, before shaking his head. "Well, we've got no choice but to try."

Soon enough, the three forbidden demigods found themselves at a giant building with a glass dome ceiling. "Oh, Espíritu Santo," Adrian awed in Spanish. "How are we gonna find LETTERS in here?"

Christian adjusted his glasses quickly. "Considering this is Greek Myths, they probably won't just be random envelopes with a sigil on it." Adrian shrugged his shoulders letting out a quiet, "Meh."

The three managed to sneak in, getting past entrance security, and managed to get into the building, immediately darting their eyes everywhere. "If these were stereotypical old messages, they'd probably be scrolls, or something, right?" Suba asked.

"One would assume," Adrian agreed.

"Split up," Suba ordered. "Then we'll have a better chance of finding them." Adrian and Christian followed suit, Adrian going straight ahead, the others going in...well, opposite directions.

It wasn't long until the three were interrupted.


Adrian reached one of the rides, a ferris wheel, and decided to get adventurous. He swiftly and nimbly hopped onto the ceiling of one of the carriers, and the wheel began moving, chatter everywhere.

Of course, he quickly got noticed. First by someone riding the wheel, then by faculty. At one point, a man brought a ladder, which was Adrian's cue to hurry this up. The workers stopped the ferris wheel, so Adrian thought quickly and grabbed on to the metal bars sustaining the wheel and quickly began climbing.

He peered his head over the top of the wheel. Nothing. Adrian swore under his breath, realizing he had to get down, and fast. He managed to deescalate a few carts, then realized the staff were too close to him; he had to jump.

So, trying not to think about it, he closed his eyes, and leaped.

Adrian's fall wasn't as bad as he expected, but he'd hurt his left ankle, and was now walking with a limp, when suddenly, he heard a growl. He figured it was just a dog. It was when Adrian turned around, that he realized, it definitely wasn't a dog.

Adrian had turned to see the Chimera, and a middle-aged woman standing menacingly behind him. "Oh, wow, won'tcha look at this," the woman said. "Another son of the sea god."

"You're..." Adrian tried to think, to remember. "Echidna. You're Echidna, mother of all monsters." Echidna raised her brows and smiled evilly. "Hmm! I see you've done your research, demigod."

Adrian reached into his pocket, pulled out his 2 by 2 cube, turned it twice, and summoned his Trident, which he had randomly just now noticed, read Serpent, in bold, dark lettering.

He didn't have time to worry about the hilt of his Trident right now. He looked up at the Chimera, and got ready to attack. Echidna almost looked like she felt bad for him. "Oh, poor child. You'd never stand a chance."

It was when the Chimera got stabbed in its side with the three tips of a trident that Echidna jumped in surprise. The Chimera shrieked, and flung Adrian into a wall with its large horns, and steps towards him, savoring every moment.

Adrian's chest ached, and he couldn't run, his ankle was at least fractured at this point. The Chimera huffed fire out its nostrils, preparing to deliver the finishing blow, when Christian dived in, stabbing the Chimera in the cheek with Turbo, then electrocuting it, all while midair.

"Adrian - the fountain!" He exclaimed, pointing to a water fountain. If Adrian could just get there, the water would heal him, and he'd be in fighting shape. Suba also soon ran over to help Adrian walk.

Dipping his foot in the water, Adrian felt energy coursing through him. He got to his knees and put his hands down on the concrete of the fountain, letting the water heal him.

He was ready.

Christian was having trouble, slowly starting to lose the fight, when Adrian concentrated, breathed slowly, and yelled out in agony, his eyes briefly turning sea-green. The fountain spewed a giant wave, soaking the Chimera and Echidna. Christian ran over to them.

"I found the letters - let's dip, FAST!" Christian yelled, holding three rolled-up scrolls in hand. The two didn't bother arguing for anything. They darted past the building, quicker than ever, before the Chimera and its mother could follow in pursuit.

The Heroes of Camp Half-Blood • Book 1: The Missing DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now