⚡ 3. Christian • "I Electrocute a Scorpion"

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After seeing Suba getting claimed as Hades' daughter, Christian was dead set on getting claimed by his god-parent.

After dinner, Adrian and Christian sat on the grass, trying to process what had happened that day. "Who do you think I'll get claimed by?" Christian asked.

"I...don't really know. I think I might be claimed by one of the big three gods, Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades," Adrian shuddered, "If I become son of Hades, Suba would be my...step-sister. That would suck...badly."

Christian chuckled, "You simp. You strike me more as the son of Poseidon. You've always been kinda...drawn to water."

Suddenly, the two started hearing galloping behind them. They looked back to see Chiron towering over them. "I believe it is little ways past the curfew."

Curfew? Christian thought. You're kidding.

"Since you haven't been claimed yet, you can sleep in the Hades cabin with your friend. I see you'd like to stick together," Chiron said.

Adrian stood up, and Christian followed suit. "Thank you, Chiron," Adrian said as he skipped over to the Hades cabin without hesitation.

"Yup. Most definitely a simp," Christian joked. "I can't simp if she's already my girlfriend," Adrian said. Christian nudged him, "But you're completely infatuated with her."


The Hades cabin was...eventful, to say the least. Christian watched and snickered at Adrian and Suba sitting together and simply being romantic as can be. There was one other kid there who was a child of Hades. His name was Nico Di Angelo.

He was so pale, he looked like he was dying. He had bags under his eyes, curly long black hair, an aviator's jacket with a black shirt with a white skull on it underneath. He wore ripped gray jeans - all of which were fitting the aesthetic of the son of Hades. Aside from his whole look, he wasn't super emo.

The trio slept there for the night, and when the sun rose, they woke up and Christian immediately darted away. He wanted to explore more of the camp.

He spent the early morning in the sparring area. On the table with weapons was a three-bladed katar. He stared at it in awe, and eventually started tearing up dummy after dummy. Eventually, Suba found him.

"Dang, Christian. Mind breathing for a sec?" She said. Christian jumped a little, Styrofoam from the dummies on the katar. "Oh, hey Suba. I dunno - I just really like this thing."

"So...I'm the daughter of Hades," Suba said, "I can summon skeletons and ghosts and stuff." Christian chuckled a bit, "Lucky."

After a bit of silence, Christian got a cool idea. A stupid idea, really, but nonetheless, a cool one. "Wanna explore the woods around the camp? They said there's monsters around there."

Suba smirked, "Say less."


Christian and Suba ventured into the woods.

"I wonder what Adrian's doing right now," Suba said. Christian chuckled, "Probably classic Adrian shenanigans."

Suddenly, the two heard a hiss.

"What was that?" Suba asked in a quiet voice.

"You think I know?" Christian asked back.

Another hiss. What the hell is happening right now? Christian thought. To the two's horror, a 6-foot-tall scorpion towered over them.

Suba yelled, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Christian shrieked. He quickly pulled out his katar, and Suba took out Skylara.

The scorpion lunged, and Christian stabbed its stinger with the katar, a few electric sparks coming off of it. Huh, Christian thought.

Suba stabbed it in the legs as the Scorpion screeched and tried to attack her.

Christian launched into the air and aimed the katar, it beamed with electricity, And with Christian's loud scream, he completely electrocuted the scorpion to a crisp.

"Oh," he said as he fell out of the air.


Adrian was the first to arrive. "What the hell happened?!" He said.

"ADRIAN!" Christian screamed and ran over to Adrian, his clothing charred. "What happened here?" Adrian asked.

"ELECTRICITY!" Christian exclaimed, spreading his arms out, tiny lightning bolts shooting out his fingers. "...woah."

"Uh, Christian?" Adrian asked as he pointed up. The trio looked up to see a lightning bolt symbol glowing above him.

"...the symbol of Zeus...?" Suba assumed. Christian's eyes widened in excitement.

"I'm...the son of Zeus?"

It was silent for a moment.

"WHOOO!" He jumped into the air.

After they regroup with Chiron, Christian shared the news super enthusiastically jumping up and down, radiating electricity. And eventually, everyone gathered around the Son of Zeus.

The Heroes of Camp Half-Blood • Book 1: The Missing DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now