🌊 4. Adrian • "We Receive a Weird Poem"

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Adrian quickly realized he was the only one who hadn't been claimed by a god. He wondered if Christian was right; maybe he was the Son of Poseidon.

After all, he did have a trident, but it could be something else. He decided to put the though to rest, seeing the day would be seemingly eventful.


The trio now finally had their own orange Camp Half-Blood T-Shirts, which seemed kind of nice. Everyone went to the Dining Pavilion to eat breakfast, and when Adrian scraped off part of his food, he prayed to the gods, Please let me be claimed today.

After lunch, the trio returned to the woods, specifically for Christian to show off being the Son of Zeus, and showing off his lightning powers, while Adrian and Suba held hands, Suba summoning undead skeletons from time to time to kill a hellhound or any other monster.

Chiron had announced at breakfast that they'd be playing Capture The Flag soon, which Adrian was anxious about, seeing that children of Ares, god of war, were here.

Eventually, a conch horn was played, and everyone went to the canoe lake.

Surprisingly, the trio were all assigned to the Blue Team. A tall older camper named Travis gave us jobs. "Annabeth, Suba, and Christian, you're on flag defense, I'll lead the others on offense," he said.

Adrian was separated from the other two, which wasn't too pleasant, especially since he was on offense. He was wearing heavy Greek armor, and he eventually felt really hot under it.

Suddenly, they were already in combat.

The fiercest Ares kid, Clarisse, of course went straight for him with her electric spear. Adrian managed to backwards-dive into the dirt. He would've been impaled if not for his quick thinking, and he barrel-rolled out of the way.

Dodging her spear over and over, at one point, Adrian grabbed it, and full-forced snapped it in half with his knee. Clarisse creamed out, "NO!" She grabbed Adrian's collar, and threw him into the canoe lake.

Adrian quickly realized he was...dry. And he felt himself breathing. What the hell...? He thought. When he emerged, a giant wave of water rushed over Clarisse, soaking her and the dirt around.

The campers stopped fighting and looked at what just happened. Adrian looked at the water-it bent to his will. Could it be? When he looked up, he saw exactly what he expected.

A glowing trident symbol above his head.


"So, we've got a daughter of Hades, a son of Zeus, and a son of Poseidon," Travis said after the game.

Christian nudged Adrian, "I toldja."

Suddenly, a redheaded girl in ratty jeans, a red shirt, and freckles approached Adrian. Her eyes were emerald green, not her eye color, but her entire eyes.

A green smoke came out of her mouth, and suddenly, a figure appeared in a green mist, and said:

"3 new half-bloods will be claimed
To eternal glory or to be maimed
With the lightning bolt and the skull
They will either die, or save them all
But when one half-blood disappears
When he is found will determine fate for years."

On that last note, the girl collapsed, the mist disappeared, and her eyes were back to normal. Annabeth ran to help her up. The girl said, "Sorry about that-I'm Rachel. I'm the Camp's Oracle."

"You just received a prophecy," Annabeth said, her eyes widened, "do you remember what it said?"

Adrian thought. "Something about...half-bloods being claimed, to fail or succeed, something about someone going missing, and a...lightning bolt and a skull. What the heck does that mean?"

"A lightning bolt is the symbol of Zeus," Suba said. "That could mean Christian. And a skull is the symbol of Hades-that could be me."

"Percy," Annabeth said. The trio faced her. "My boyfriend Percy's been gone for a couple days now. The missing half-blood must be him."


Eventually, Adrian was presented with a quest, and was told to pick a few half-bloods to bring with him-which was no contest, as he picked Suba, Christian, and Annabeth, promising he'd help her find Percy.

So, all together, the four left Camp Half-Blood-not at all knowing what they were getting into.

The Heroes of Camp Half-Blood • Book 1: The Missing DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now