⚡ 11. Christian • "I Wake Up Drowning"

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Christian had finally met that Percy Jackson he'd been told about. He didn't know why, but he expected him to look way tougher. I guess he is only a teenager, he thought.

"So, uh, Percy," Evan began, "you got any leads on Gaia?" Percy looked distracted. His eyes were a million miles away. "From what I remember-Gaia knew I was a threat to her cause, so the giants outnumbered and imprisoned me. I overheard them talking about their plan leaking to Hermes. I think he'll know."

Evan went paler than a sheet of paper. "My father...might know? And he didn't tell anyone?"

"Dang," Christian remarked. "Your dad sucks." He poked Evan, giving him a small shock. "Wh-shut up, Kid Thunder." He plucked Christian's nose. Christian's eyebrows furrowed.

"Guys, shut up," Glo said, acting as a wall between the two. Christian sighed. He didn't know going on a magical, mythical quest would be this hard and confusing...and deadly.

"Where would we find Hermes?" Adrian asked Percy, who folded his arms. "The Lotus Casino, in Vegas."

"How on Olympus are we gonna get there?" Christian asked, stepping away from Glo and Evan subconsciously. Percy's eyes widened, and he patted his pockets quickly, and pulled a whistle out of his pocket and started whistling.

Christian and Adrian shared a puzzled glance. Then, suddenly, Christian heard wings flapping. And a familiar voice called out in his head, Yo, Percy!

Blackjack came flying in and landed. Percy went running. "Blackjack!" Percy immediately hopped on and hucked Blackjack's neck. Everyone else followed suit.


Seven half-bloods on one Pegasus wasn't what Christian was expecting, but soon, they were flying. And after a while, everyone started getting drowsy and it started raining.

Adrian and Percy were wide awake though. Almost as if the water was giving them energy. Which, it probably was. Christian shook his head and eventually drifted off.

"Son of Zeus."

Christian jolted up to see what looked like a wooden prison cell. The voice that called for him pierced his skull. It pained him. "Join me, and you may not suffer as much pain as your friends."

Christian hesitated. "Gaia. That's you, the Titan of Earth." He walked towards the bars and decimated a hole with the electricity coursing through his veins. "I see you've done your research...you have no idea how lucky you were to have saved that Perseus Jackson."

"I'm not joining you."

Gaia chuckled lightly. "Beware, half-blood. If you're not careful, you and all your friends will be rotting in the pits of Tartarus." Christian slowly became enraged. "Where are you?!"

"I believe you will find your way to me. Remember my offer, son of Zeus. Θα έρθει η ώρα." Despite not knowing Greek, Christian somehow knew that it meant "the time will come." Christian clenched his katar. "We will defeat you, I swear we will!"

Christian jolted up underwater. He opened his mouth to scream, but covered it quickly. He'd be drowning soon. He noticed his foot was stuck in coral. He looked around. Suba, Annabeth, Evan, and Glo were also panicking.

Adrian soon came rushing over, swimming Usain Bolt speed. "Christian, relax. We're fine," he said. Christian's eyes widened. Right. Kinda forgot he can breathe underwater.

Adrian helped his foot out. Christian was already turning blue. Adrian grabbed his arm and darted to the surface. Adrian was perfectly dry.

Percy eventually emerged with the others.

"What in Hades happened?!" Christian exclaimed, gasping for air. "We're in Vegas," Percy said, who was also perfectly dry. "Blackjack went back to camp, but-"

"But before he did, Percy wanted to pull a funny little trick, and we ended up getting dropped into water," Adrian interrupted. "Whatever," Percy said, "let's just get to shore."

Percy and Adrian exchanged a look. Christian blinked, and before he even realized, they had teleported right next to shore. They all eventually emerged, and immediately began moving, Percy and Annabeth leading.

"If I know anything about Hermes," Percy said, "He'd most likely be at the Lotus Casino."

"Which is where?" Christian asked. Evan chuckled and facepalmed. Suba nudged Christian. "Maybe it's the building shaped like a giant Lotus Flower."

Christian hunched over. As they neared the entrance to the ginormous Casino, Annabeth turned. "Now, remember this. We can't stay for long. If we stay too long, we'll start forgetting things."

"They pump the scent of Lotus Flowers through the air vents," Percy added. "Well, that must be fun," Christian commented. With that, the half-bloods entered the Casino. "Don't you think someone'll get suspicious of seven kids in a Casino?" Glo asked.

"Didn't stop me any other time," Evan said. "Picked a few pockets here."

Everyone made sure to stick together. They continued wandering until a voice that felt more...important than the millions of others buzzing caught Christian's ear.

He poked Evan about fifteen times before he snapped. "What?!" Christian just pointed, and Evan's eyes widened.


Hermes was nothing like Christian expected. At least, in terms of looks. He had short, combed black hair, olive skin, brown eyes, a goatee, gray hoodie, and jeans.

"Demigods, welcome," he said. His voice was sly and devious, as if he was going to commit a crime and slip away scott-free.

"Hermes," Adrian stated.

"...Dad," Evan mumbled.

The Heroes of Camp Half-Blood • Book 1: The Missing DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now