💀 15. Suba • "We Get Lava'd"

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Disciples of Gaia were about to face the seven demigods, and Suba had no idea how to feel. They had just popped in, after all. Suba reached into her pocket, and prepared to pull out Skylara. They were definitely half-bloods.

"What're you guys, the ripoff Avengers?" Evan joked, though he wasn't smiling. He'd already taken out his gun. But suddenly, she recognized the girl. It was an old friend of Adrian's...from their same school.

Judging by the look on Adrian's face, Suba could tell he remembered too. "Tara?" He asked. It was the girl's name. Tara's eyes widened, then she furrowed her eyebrows. "Adrian, I don't care that I know you, I'm not who you think I am. I'm a daughter of Hypnos, and I -"

"You done yet?" Evan sighed.

Tara shook her head rapidly, snapping her out of it, and charged with her sword, which Suba noticed read άκρη της έκλειψης, Greek for Eclipse Edge right before it almost struck her forehead.

She raised Skylara at the perfect time to block it, and parried the attack, and it caused to start a battle. Suba immediately ducked down, and stabbed Tara in the gut, she cried out in pain, and slashed Citra, forcing her to the ground. She was bleeding.

Tara tried to strike while Suba was on the ground, but Suba once again blocked with Skylara, and Tara began walking forward, still clashing weapons, dragging Suba across the dirt and sand.

Suba managed to break out and barrel roll out of the way before Tara could slash her again. Tara quickly slashed Suba's right arm. She winced in pain, and quickly strafed left, and managed to drop kick Tara.

Tara blew a whistle, and the other corrupt demigods did the same. "Leave 'em to the Telkhines!" She exclaimed, and ran through what had looked like a wall. When the others followed, Suba saw it rippled. Like a hidden portal.

Suddenly, emerging from that same portal came creatures, they had faces like dogs, with black snouts, brown eyes, and pointy ears. Their bodies are sleek and black like seals. They had stubby legs that were half flippers and half foot, and human-like hands with sharp claws. They looked around five feet tall.

"Telkhines," Percy muttered.

One Telkhine raised a chunk of molten lava and yelled, "Fire at will! Damn the heroes!" Suddenly, from a barrel one Telkhine was holding, they all started throwing chunks of magma at the Half-Bloods. Suba yelped.

Suba darted past them and up the mountain, she then jumped down and stabbed a Telkhine in the head, it evaporated. At one point, some of them got burned.

Suba received a bad burn on her wrist, but the worst was definitely Glo. She thought Glo was immune to lava, but it must've just been fire. He was hit in the chest and was burned horribly. He yelled out in pain.

Out of anger from her friends being hurt, Suba started hacking and slashing, and so did everyone else. Eventually, the Telkhines had been wiped out, the seven demigods were half-way up the mountain.

Everyone ran towards Glo, who had taken his shirt off to reveal a horrible burn on his chest that was literally steaming. He groaned in pain. "I don't think any old nectar and ambrosia can heal that. He'd need to stay in the infirmary," Percy demanded.

Adrian ran to Glo, and helped him up. Suddenly, Glo was radiating a fiery orange. "You have the blessing of Hephaestus!" Christian exclaimed.

Glo just smirked, and with the most optimistic smirk ever, he assured them, "I've gutted out worse, I'm Gloryus Iam, after all." Suba smiled. Glo had proved even before Camp Half-Blood that he was strong.

With Hephaestus's blessing, Glo seemed to be fine...for the most part, at least.


Without anymore interruptions, the half-bloods finally scaled Guadelupe Peak, and were staring down at the ground, so far below. Suba turned around, and saw a massive Greek temple, with decorated, colorful pillars and artwork.

"We're here," Suba said. "The end of our journey." Her eyes widened. She and Adrian shared a glance, and held hands tightly. "We've gone this far, I'm sure whatever the heck's in here doesn't stand a chance," Adrian determinedly said.

"Right," the others agreed. With subtle hesitation, they walked towards the temple of Gaia.

The Heroes of Camp Half-Blood • Book 1: The Missing DemigodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ