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Good thing this is called fanfiction.

disclaimer: mentions of smok!ng, c!garettes,

this one is a req from a reader!

"Nick! Nick, do you hear me?!"

Smoking wasn't really an option for Nick but everything happened too quick. He made a decision that would fuck up his already fucked life. You see, if you feel like your life is going down, you only make two choices. It's either you fix it or you make it worse than it already is.

He did the latter. In his defense though, it felt like it was the best decision at that exact moment. It gave him comfort for a while until it all crashed down as a nightmare.

Nick closed his laptop and sighed frustratedly, he pulled his own hair, as if it would lessen the frustration he felt. Today is a bad day, not that it was different from the other days. He's been having bad days since forever. He couldn't do any work right. Everything is moving around him and he feels like he's just stuck at where he is, he needed to catch up with them but he just keeps on going back to his place.

He removed his blanket off him and got up off the bed. When he was off of the bed completely, he noticed that his room was messier than ever. Nick sighed, wanting to clean it all up but not having the energy to do so.

I'll clean it up later, he said to himself as he walked out of his room.

When he arrived at the kitchen, he saw Matt sitting on their sofa at the living room. The television was on but it was just like a radio because Matt was focus on his phone. Matt glanced up when he heard Nick's footsteps, his brows raised in question as he look at his brother's emotionless face.

"What's up, kid?" Matt greeted Nick, his brother only nod in acknowledgement and Matt shrugged on that.

Nick walk towards the fridge to get water with ice. The water ran through his throat but for some reason it still felt dry. Nick sighed, annoyed of the odd feeling.

"Oh, right, this YouTuber invited us to his party, Nick. Wanna go?"

He looked at Matt who's currently facing him, there was an excitement laced on Matt's tone that Nick never heard. Woah, Matthew Sturniolo is excited about a party? Things are surely odd this day. What's happening?

"Why do you sound so excited?"

"Nothing, I just felt like going. I think it'll be fun to meet new people, no?"

Nick's not a fan of meeting new people although it's a part of his life now as a content creator. He shrugged it off, this is the first time that Matt wanted to actually go in a party. How can he not agree?

"Yeah, sure. No one drinks."

That decision changed the trajectory of Nick's life.


The party was fire. Nick was pretty sure that the only people who's coming home sober are his brothers and him. Everyone looked like they got here to get wasted. The dancefloor was already hyped up when they arrived, Nick could already saw familiar faces.

Usually, the loud music doesn't bother Nick but tonight he felt like it's pounding inside his mind. He really, really, wanted to enjoy this night but his mind would always wander off to the work he needed to get done quick. It's piling up and the stress is slowly eating Nick's peace of mind.

Nicolas Sturniolo Oneshot & Sickfics.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin