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Good thing this is called fanfiction.

One thing you should know about Nick is that he doesn't get sick easily, but when he does, oh boy does it last.

Just a week ago, Nick had been so busy. It felt like every single day had their own workloads and deadlines when in reality it was just Nick wanting to do more. He was restless. Nick and his brothers were already used to the set up of filming a bunch of videos in a span of one week and the videos they filmed would last for 2 Wednesday videos and 4 Friday videos.

Nick usually edits two videos in a week from time to time but this week is different. Nick felt like he was slacking off. Which he isn't. Matt's word not his, so maybe that was when everything started. Nick remembered when his mom used to tell him that he should never compromise his health above anything else.

Marylou knew how much Nick wants to get things done perfectly. Nick has always been like that since he was a kid.

"Dinner time, Nick!" Matt called out. Nick looked at the time he spent editing. 3 hours and he's almost done. He can't just get out to eat because he knows he'll get lazy. He won't get this shit done.

He will just gossip and banter with Matt and Chris until he completely forgets about this whole editing thing.

"Go on first! I'm just finishing the Wednesday video." He said, "I'll eat after this." He added, making sure to assure his brothers.

Nick forgot to eat his dinner. After he was done editing, he continued to scroll on his phone. Brainstorming for another Friday content so they could prepare beforehand. He did not get a wink of sleep, either. Chris laughed at him in the morning for looking like a shit.


"Fuuuckkk, I hate my life and everyone else." Nick groaned, concluding that he is totally going insane.

"I've been editing our videos for the last years, why am I slacking off now?" He asked himself while facing his laptop, he have not yet reached the half of this fucking video but here he is, talking to himself like a fucking idiot.

"Fuck you, Matt. Everything you say is getting cut out again. I would literally kill myself the moment you speak in the videos like this again. Stupid fucking Bernard." He spitefully said as if Matt can actually hear him right when he was just looking at Matt's face in the laptop. "For the love of GOD, Chris' face is so fucking annoying."

Now he's just ranting about everything. That goes on and on as he continued to edit their video, sighing everytime he had to cut out or adjust something.

At the end of the video, Nick smiled as he watched Chris letting him have a sip of his drink. Matt even offered him a Reese's. 

"Ah, I love them." Nick said as if he wasn't just cursing them awhile ago. "I am going insane."


"CAN YOU FUCKING STOP?" Nick yelled at Chris, they were yet again, filming a car video.

Chris has been getting on his nerves the past minutes, he keeps on interrupting Nick with his weird ass random noises, pretending like he don't hear Nick telling him to stop. Matt kept his silence, glancing at both of his brothers from time to time. They looked like they were gonna rip each other's head off, glaring at each other. Matt is actually kind of nervous that Nick will just lunge at Chris, he put his arms on the side of Chris' seat just to make sure.

"Maybe I'd stop if you stop bitching about every fucking thing." Chris said, looking at Nick dead in the eyes just to piss him more.

Nick smiled sarcastically, "Maybe I'd stop bitching around if you start acting like a normal human being who actually thinks and not just interrupt someone with fucking inhumane noises just to spew stupid shits that I clearly, respectfully, do not give a fuck at all."

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