Stupid Kid

513 12 17

Good thing this is called fanfiction.

req from: miruwkitt

Nick's age regression isn't new to his brothers anymore, in fact, it was only Matt and Chris who knew about it. Of course the first time they knew about it they felt... well not uncomfortable but more of not understanding how it works. Despite the growing fear in the pit of Nick's stomach, he still took all the courage he has to explain what age regression is to his brothers.

He told him that in his case, it happened unconsciously at first. He was really tired at the time, his mind was full of things he couldn't talk about. So Nick decided to slip on some onesie, he was hugging his plushies. He also put on some cartoon shows on his tv. Nick felt the most comfortable in that moment and as he continued to watch the show, his eyes landed on his hands that are currently holding tight to the plushie. Nick had the urge to suck his thumb, and so he did. He giggled and continued to watch the show.

What Nick didn't notice is his plushie falling off the bed. He was singing along with the cartoon characters that he totally forgot about his plushie. That's why he was shocked when he looked at his side, his plushie isn't there anymore. Nick's eyes began to water, his lip's also trembling.

Where is Nicky's plushie?

The tears began to run down his cheeks. He sobbed silently, it was just there! Nicky was holding it!

"Plushie- where-" He can't form a proper sentence because he was crying so bad.

Nicky felt so small in his own bed. In his own room. Suddenly, everything was dark and he was scared. The light of the television was not enough for his comfort.

He tried to wipe his tears away and to keep his sobs quiet because Nicky might wake Matt and Chris. He doesn't want them to think that Nick is a bad boy.

That night, Nick fell asleep crying. The tears on his cheeks were already dry when he woke up. At first, his memory was blurry but when he tried to remember it, the memory of last night snowballed in his mind.

What was that?

Nick was dumbfounded. What the hell happened to him?

So basically, that was when Nick started to research about last night and it led him to age regression. Nick has always noticed that his comfort was very child-like. Watching cartoons, slipping into pyjamas, or even coloring! It all makes sense to him now.

That was when Nick started the voluntary age regression to cope with the stress. His brothers found out 2 months later and he was in the little space. Nicky was having a nightmare and so like every child would do, he got off his bed and went to Matt's bedroom. Imagine the shock Matt felt when his brother entered his room. Eyes puffy from crying, his right hand was rubbing his eyes from time to time while the other one was holding tightly to the plushie.

"Matt-matt! Nightmare!" Nicky went to Matt's side immediately. Nicky is afraid that the monster will come and get him. When he was already beside Matt-matt, he hugged him tight. "Monster. Nicky is scared of monsters."

Matt was confused as to why Nick is acting like this. Despite his confusion, he played with Nick's hair to comfort him. "There's no monster here, Nick." Matt said, his voice is still husky from sleep.

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