I have Nick

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A cute and short one-shot mainly focused on Nick and Matt!

Good thing this is called fanfiction.

Matt's biggest flex?

He has Nick.

Matt is often anxious when they are at a drive thru, his hands get cold.

"Matt, you should go order." Their friend said after they all decided which foods they wanted, their friend meant well, of course he said that because Matt's the one who's driving. He was just unaware of the fact that Matt could never order anything without genuinely believing that he would mess up the orders.

Matt was about to nod, he didn't know how to say no when Nick leaned near the window and started to order everything they selected. Matt sighed as he watched his brother at the rearview mirror, Nick is an angel.

Thank God for his brother.


Matt wanted to speak but Chris just keeps on interrupting him. They were all just chilling in their living room, talking to each other. Chris got so passionate about the topic that Matt had started that he wouldn't let Matt speak.

Chris is starting to piss him off, he's been trying to speak for five minutes now but Chris just wouldn't shut up. He made Matt's story his story now, all he wanted was to get a tape and put it on Chris' mouth.

Matt rolled his eyes when Chris held up his hand, signalling Matt to stay quiet. "Wait let me-"

"Shut up for now, Chris. Let the kid speak. It's his story." Nick said, his voice bored. He wasn't even looking up to them, he was focused on his phone.

Chris looked at Matt and saw that his brother is actually starting to get pissed so he shut up.

Matt smiled,  suddenly getting the urge to hug Nick.

"So as I was saying..."


"Oh no, the waiter messed up Matt's order."

Matt looked at his food. He wanted a carbonara, not spaghetti. Matt wanted to puke as he smelled the tomato sauce.


He's actually in his fucking nightmare.

Someone should remind Matt not to order pasta again.

He looked around and realized that there were just too many people for his liking. He didn't want to attract any attention so he might just settle with this.

He was about to pick up the fork when Nick frowned.

"There's no way you're eating a food you don't like."

Matt's lips parted when Nick raised his hand to get the waiter's attention. When the waiter got to them Nick explained the situation. The waiter apologized as he got Matt's wrong food off the table.

"I'm really sorry, we'll be back with your order."

Nick smiled and told the waiter that it was okay and Matt did the same thing. The waiter eventually came back with the carbonara in his hand. Matt was so excited as the waiter put it on his table.

"Good?" Nick asked, eating his own food.

"Thanks, Nick."


So if anyone ever asked Matt what's his biggest flex, it will always be this. He might not say it out loud most of the time but it's always the thought in the back of his mind.

Nick orders the food because Matt is anxious. Nick shuts Chris up when Matt wants to speak. Nick would tell the waiter that he messed up Matt's order. Nick would buy things that remind him of Matt. And many other things that Nick would do for Matt, and Nick would do for Chris.

Also, not everyone has Nicolas Sturniolo in their lives.

He's just one and Matt actually have Nick.

Isn't that the biggest flex?



<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠↗

chapter done!

yey, last update for now! i didn't proofread this three latest update. wrote this after a chem exam so please bear with the errors! i promise i'll edit this as soon as i can.

also ok matt we get it ur inlove (not in an incest way okayyy, also just a reminder that again, strictly no incest in my fics. it's disgusting. i'm actually sick looking at the amount of incest fics of the triplets. 😵‍💫)

matt: my brothers are annoying

matt is a nick girl in this one (both of them are actually a nick girl in this whole fic, and so is the author.)

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