14 . Alana

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I open the closet and walk inside. A side of his things is replaced with mine.

He literally bought me everything from dresses for casual wear like how i used to wear before i was kidnapped.

There are jeans and tops. Of pink, white and mauve colors.
My breath hitches when i find my favourite showergel, perfume and shampoo. ' How did he know that?'.

I gently spray the perfume and I'm met with nostalgia.

I close my eyes and breathe in the chocolate and vanilla and that smells like home, tears prick my eyes. But i wipe them away and get dressed in a t shirt and jeans after so long.

It's exactly of my size. I leave my hair open to dry by itlsef and get out of the closet. Mila is gone and i slowly trace the steps toward the door and try opening it. It opens.

I open it and step outside it's a long corridor and pass many rooms. I follow the steps down and find the hallway that leads to the main door.

I stand infront of the door contemplating if i should run away. I clutch the door handle and squeeze

But the only thought that stops me 'mum'. I can't do that. I turn around and pass the hall, then the corridor and reach the kitchen and see Mila cooking.

I think of greeting her, but then decide otherwise and turn to another door at the end of the passage and it opens to a beautiful porch.

It's so beautiful when i walk towards the end i see the sea. i slowly inch closer and my feet slips.

When i think i am about to fall to my death, somebody grips my hand, pulling me, that i fall to the safe side and my ass hits the ground. I look at the gruffy guy.

He just saved me from the fall. The side of my elbow hurts and i see i have scraped them . He extends his hand and i take it slowly standing. I mutter "thank you" as i let go of his hand.

He gets a call and attends it i don't know who is at the other end, but he says "okay" looking at me. He turns fully to face me and says, the boss wants to meet you.

I swallow hard at the mention of him.

We walk back into the house, up the stairs into the same hallway that leads to the bedroom, but he stops in front of the door before reaching the end of the hall that's the bedroom door. He knocks on the door, and a nonchalant order comes "come in".

We both enter the room it is as large as any other room in the house and has many cabinets full of books, a sitting area, a bar to the left and in the centre stands the desk of the demon and he's sitting behind it.

He lifts his eyes from the book he's reading and glances at me through his reading glasses. If i thought he was good looking before. He's gorgeous now with the glasses. I need to get my head checked for sure to have these thoughts. He removes the glasses and looks at me.

My whole body tingles at his gaze and i swallow hard. He uses his fore finger and motions it towards me to come closer I quietly follow him and stand in front of the desk.

He stands and walks towards me, i slowly inch back as he leans back in his desk lowering his height a bit, but he still towers me, he looks at me and says "your hand" .

My brain doesn't seem to work around him as i ask "what?"
Without answering he grabs my left hand and I struggle to take it out from his gasp. His onyx eyes cage me and he says "don't you have anything to ask, zolotse?"

And i leave a shaky breath as I ask "where's my mum?"
He tsks and says, "no, that is for another time"
Then i ask my second question "Are you the one ....who ... kidnapped me?"

He looks deep into my eyes and says "what if i did?."
Although i have thought this is the most possible scenario, i feel a bit let down. Then he shakes his head and says "i did not."

I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and he drops my hand. Before i could ask another question his finger tips brush my hair close to my nape and the goosebumps erupt on my skin. And he leans closer and huskily murmurs "get out"
My eyes widen as his words go into my head.

His fingertips leaves my hair and he goes back to his seat and once again asserts "get out" and i turn back and run not looking back. I come out close the door and take deep breaths.

My hair fans my face and i lift my hand to push it away and something twinkles in my hand and i lift it to my eyes to find a ring adorning my ring finger.

My breath hitches as i find a big oval cut alexandrite bordered by white diamonds in a gold band twirled on the both sides adjacent to the alexandrite.

Why alexandrite? Is it really a coincidence? I turn to the closed door and wonder 'who in the world are you?'

"What do you want from me?" I whisper as i walk back to my room.

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