1. Alana

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I am so exhausted from all the things that happened today, I can't wait to go home. 'home' somehow sounds unfamiliar no matter how many times I say that.

I just hope my father isn't home yet, I just wish he doesn't come home at all, this is so evil to think. It doesn't matter, in his world death happens so quiet often. 'What if he dies today'.
Maybe we will finally be free. Father is powerful. He is a capo. What if his enemies kill him today.

I shake my head so the unwanted thought disappears. The only reason I want to go home is to see that smile on my mum's face. The thought involuntarily brings a smile on my face. She is such a kind person , I sometimes wonder how the universe allowed someone as kind as my mum to get married to a monster like my father.

It's early evening and the november sky is just setting for the dusk. As i keep walking i feel something is off, there isn't a single sound from the street I'm walking or from the houses near.

This locality is always quite, but vehicles do pass and many sit on the benches in the park at the intersection. But there is none today. This seems suspicious . When you live with gloom you always feel it approaching before you know. I involuntarily touch the alexandrite pendant my mum gave me for my 15th birthday. It's been with me for 5 years now. I turned 20 last week on November 12.

My heart beat picks up the pace and I feel sweat beading my cold limbs. my gut feeling says I have to run. I just do that. The pink t shirt and jeans I am wearing are clinging to my body as it's drenched in sweat.

I run so fast as far as I can as a black sedan stops beside me, my heart thunders in my chest as I feel something strong hit my head and a cloth bought up to my nose before everything turns black and only thing that flashes inside my closed eyes is the memory of me smiling at my mother smiling while she is icing my birthday cake.

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