More Than a Village

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"I think I can hear music playing," Forester said. "We must be getting close."

"Hope you're right. My arms are getting tired," Steve said, rubbing his arm.

"Me too," Sam agreed. "It's starting to get late."

Just then, Forester shouted.

"I'm through!"

"Thank Notch," said Sam.

After patching up the hole with their last few blocks, they turned to see what they had been searching for. The entire village was surrounded by jungle. There was not any shred of darkness visible anywhere in the village. If the sun couldn't reach it, and torch was close enough to prevent mobs from spawning in. The buildings weren't what Steve and Sam were used to seeing. They were bigger and had different colors. They were built from jungle wood. Some of them were for sleeping in, but others were used for storage and forging. The biggest thing that stood out from it all wasn't what was built; it was the people.

"Forester," Steve said. "You said you came from a village.

The others were puzzled.

"But I--"

"This place is a whole community!" Steve said happily. "It's so big!"

Forester let out a held breath.

"I'm glad you approve," Forester said. "I chopped most of the trees that built these houses."

"I love the houses," Sam said. "I was thinking of building with a similar design."

"Where's that music coming from?" Steve asked.

"The west side of the village," Forester said. "They have a feast at the end of every day. They play music and dance and eat together. If you're going to go ask for help, that's where you should go. You... might want to take your armor off and hide your swords. They're not used to seeing either of those things. It would be... intimidating."

"That's a good point, actually," Steve said.

They took off their armor and hid their swords in their inventory.

"I'm going to stay here," Forester said. "I'm pretty sure Nicholas wouldn't appreciate seeing my face around here again. If he found out I came back, it wouldn't end well."

"We'll try to bring you back some food," Sam said. "Golem, you stay here, too."

The golem nodded.

They followed the source of the music. As they got closer, it became clearer. It was like nothing Steve had ever heard before. He was a little nervous after the music disk he found in the dungeon, but this was very different. It was... inviting. He almost wanted to jump around to the music.

"Wow," Steve said. "I've never heard music like that before."

"Music disks are hard to find," Sam said. "You only find them in dungeons."

They turned a corner that opened up to the outside area they were looking for. A long table stood by a fire, and the occupants of the chairs around the table were a large blend of villagers and humans. Almost every chair was filled. Behind them by the fire, a jukebox stood with the disc playing inside. The campfire was large, casting light shadows on the walls of the houses. The table was scattered with a variety of bread, along with fruits and vegetables. Water was passed around in a bucket, as well as milk, and bottles were scooped inside for a refill. There were also some humans tending to anyone that needed assistance with something. Steve and Sam were amazed to see just how fun it all looked.

"Look at them all," Steve said. "People like us."

"I bet this isn't everyone in the village, either," Sam said. "There could be more that just haven't shown up yet."

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