Chapter 28: Moms having a baby!

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Humming to herself, Amelia waves to their neighbor as she grabs the mail. She was due at any moment, and she truly spent them with her kids nearby. Her walks to the mailbox were her only few minutes of peace before one of her babies came to be at her assistance. She would never complain, years ago her oldest prayed for a family this big.

Slowly climbing up the stairs, she feels something wet down her leg. It wasn't much, and it could be easy to miss with her black pj bottoms. She knew it was time

Sending a text to Maggie and Sharon to get to her house immediately, Amelia heads to the kitchen to see Kelly making breakfast. "Good morning sweetie, I'll be back soon." Kelly was unsure of his mom's tone, but he knew she was probably in a lot of pain at this point of her pregnancy.

As Amelia nearly bumps into Jay and Will, the two hold her steady and walk her to the master bedroom. "You sure you don't want me to take a look? I'm a doctor after all mom" brushing her Irish twins off, she closes the door and somehow takes a shower without waking Hank.

Amelia had to admit, she was freaking out about labor. She wanted it to go as peaceful and smooth as possible. How would she accomplish that with a house full of testosterone and a sprinkle of estrogen?

She had no idea

"MOMS IN LABOR!" Knowing that her cover is blown now that Sharon and Maggie are here, Amelia finishes her skin care as a knock comes to the door. "Honey?"


"What if she has the baby in the pool?"


"I'm fine Hank. No contractions yet." Opening the door, she comes face to face with the love of her life. Leaning into his embrace, she allows herself to just relax. The stress of labor and all the different outcomes fade away as she listens to the heartbeat of her husband. "Do you want to go to med? Or do you want to wait?"


Laughing at her kids banter, "I have Sharon, Maggie, and wildly Will here. I'm fine with delivering this baby as a home birth. It's already an odd man out being the youngest."


Hugging her best friends, they set up the birthing station in the master bedroom after breakfast. Breakfasts itself was wild. The boys were worried for their mom, and for the delivery of the baby. The girls were excited, ready to hold the baby they were praying was a girl.

Knowing that the family would be in today, Kelly took care of anything as it arose, Kevin and Adam tagging along. Jay was on kid duty, making sure that his youngest, at the moment, four siblings were occupied at all times. And, at the time of birth, in the backyard somewhere.

Will was on standby to assist in the labor. He felt truly honored and cried during breakfast. Erin knew that she would be in the room, perks of being the oldest daughter.


It had been about 5 hours since her water broke, which put the time around 1. Amelia had spoken to Tommy and promised to send him pictures. She had to push her kids off of her, except for the youngest 4, they were allowed to be clingy, at all times.

Amelia had given Jay go ahead to take the kids outside. She felt something and was not taking chances. Stripping and getting into the birthing pool; it didn't take long for the youngest voight to make an appearance. "Omg I think that's the head man"

Standing, Amelia gently grabs the baby and makes one push to bring them out. Maggie had her hands under Amelia's, just as Stability. Sharon was holding Amelia up. They couldn't believe that their best friend had just delivered her own baby, and that Erin got it all on tape. "Omg that was fast!"

Hearing the cries of her baby child, Amelia hold the child at a small distance to get the sex. "Well I'll be damed, baby girl! Kelly gets his wish. Mommy has her baby girl. Goodness you're beautiful. You're my twin princess." Hank, completely stunned, wouldn't have believed this if he wasn't there to witness it.

Drawing a bath for Amelia, he hands their baby girl over to Sharon and Maggie. "Let's go superwoman, you need a bath and fluids."

"I'm not even tired. Or torn! And we had a girl! Triple miracle"


Settling downstairs in the den with baby girl, Amelia couldn't stop staring at her daughter. She had done something she thought she never could, and that's have a child. The boys all came bearing gifts for their princess. Teddy bears, clothes, accessories, you name it. They had loads for Sydney and Laurel as well.

As Amelia sits, surrounded by her baseball team of kids, and supportive husband. She knew she had truly hit the jackpot. The kids took turns holding and talking to their youngest sibling. There was no fighting or teasing in the first time since forever.

She had a feeling this baby would be the peace, the anchor

As Laurel lays into Amelia's side, "what's sissy's name mama?" Looking to the brown haired, hazel eyed baby, Amelia couldn't wait to share their perfect name for their peace

"We were thinking Rosalie Malu Voight. It's something different, just like sissy."

"I like it mommy!"

"Me too baby, me too"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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