Chapter 10: Tommy

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It was once again time for Sunday Family Dinner. Amelia had invited over Hank, Erin, and Justin. Jake would also be joining the group for dinner.

Adam, was not happy at all about the situation. Having guest would take away from the attention he would be getting from his mother.

Tonight, Amelia was preparing steak and potatoes with Jay. Every Sunday, a different child helped her prepare dinner.

The boys knew that Hank and his two children would be coming over. But they didn't know about Jake until he was walking through the door.

Jake was very nervous to ever look any of his 'brothers' in the eyes again.


"Kelly! Kevin! It's y'all's turn to set the table!" Giving me an "okay ma!" I see both boys head to the dinning room and start to set the table. Adam and Alejandro are still outside swimming.

"How do I cut these again ma?" Walking over to Jay, I show him out to cut the potatoes and he quickly catches on. "I'll be right back my love, please don't cut yourself"

Heading out back, I check on the steaks. On a regular night, I cook anywhere from fifteen to twenty steaks. Feeding five grown men and two growing teenage boys is a huge task.

Tonight, I've got thirty steaks to prepare. Heading back inside, I get the fruits need for a fruit salad as well as getting out my fresh green beans.

Having a garden in Chicago is hard work. You never know how the weather will be like some days. But, I love feeding my boys things that I know are straight from the ground.

Adam walks into the kitchen in his pajamas "Adam Elijah Ruzek, what are you wearing?" Looking at me like he has done nothing wrong, "pjs mama. It's only the Voight's coming over. Not grandma"

Giving him a certain look, Adam heads back upstairs to change into something more appropriate for the night.

"Okay, Porksteaks and the T bid steaks are off the grill. All well done. Fruit salad is done, green beans are done, and potatoes are nice and roasted." Giving my middle child a high five, I head to change into my outfit for the night.


Amelia barely makes it down the stairs in time to open the door. "Hey guys! Come on in!" Allowing the four to come in, Amelia hugs both Voight children and gives a small wave to Jake.

Having a small moment with Hank before the chaos started is exactly what Amelia needed. "Why is He here? Mom!"

Reassuring the coco woman that he was there for her, Amelia heads in to try and calm down her sensitive older child, "Adam, my love, there's no reason to shout."

Trying to calm them all down, Everyone takes a seat at the table. Hank and Amelia are sitting at the head of the table.

To Amelia's left is Erin, and to her right is Jay. Will is on Hanks right while Kelly is on his left. Kevin is sitting next to Kelly, with Justin in the center of the table. Next to Erin is Alejandro, and two down from him next to Will is Adam. In the center of the table, across from Justin is Jake.

To say that this dinner was going to be tense was an understatement. Adam is quick to hate where he is sitting, "can I switch with Jay?"

Jay quickly springs into action "no way man, you know that whoever cooks with mom gets to sit to her right. Plus, it's my time to get the affection for a whole night" sticking his tongue out at Adam, Jay happily sits back in his seat and lets out a small, "gosh I love family dinner"

Trying to keep everything under control, Amelia says Grace tonight and they quickly dig in. Will, like always, is zoned out into his food. This time, Erin is right there with him.

Giving his partner a little kick under the table, Erin comes back into zone "I'm sorry what? This food is really good Amelia"

"Thank you Erin, and I asked how was your day?" Happy to have someone to talk about her day with, Erin quickly falls into the same happiness and happy space that the men around the table to "well, we had a high speed car chase today"

Trying to make sure she doesn't tattle on Kevin, Erin carefully talks to Amelia. Adam decided that he wanted more attention from his mom, but he doesn't get it "Mom, Kevin got shot!"

And here comes the Green family argument:

"Omg! Moms gonna make you move back in" -Will
"What the hell Adam!" -Erin
"The steak is lovely Amelia" -Hank
"Thank you Honey, I'm glad someone enjoys my cooking" -Amelia
"Mama, I tell you I love your cooking everyday!" -Will
"We know, you've gained fifteen pounds in the last three week" -Jay
"I got an A on my big test" -Alejandro
"Don't yell at your mother" -Hank
"I am so sorry dad, do I need to get on a treadmill to make it up to you guys?" - Will
"Alight Aly! All that studying we did payed off!" -Jay
"So Justin, how have you been?" -Kelly
"Please don't kill Will, I really need my brother" -Jay
"Good man, is it always like this around here?" -Justin
"Girl" -Erin
"It wasn't funny the first five times Erin!" -Adam
"You have no idea man, can someone pass me another pork steak?" -Will

Jake stayed silent for most part. It's like they forgot he was there, and he didn't want them to notice. But they did. "Okay okay, Kevin is okay, he was only grazed by the bullet, Will and Erin ate all the food so I don't know what we are gonna eat for lunch tomorrow. And, Jay is a good cook. Now, let's get to the real questions that Kelly keeps forgetting to ask: Why is Jake here? And is he coming back?"

No one said anything for a moment. Alejandro was the first to look at Hank. Looking at the man for help, Hank is quick to go into action. "Calm down everybody, let's all talk it out"

Amelia silently thanks the man, everyone takes a deep breath, except for Erin and Will. "Jake will be coming back home. He has been gone for two weeks, and he's spent a lot of time with Hank and Justin. Things will be different for the next couple of weeks, but we'll slowly go back to our normal routine"

No one says anything. Kelly slowly raises his hand. "Does that mean that we are all moving back in? Case no matter what, he still hit you. Anger issues or not, no one hits you"

Thankful that her sons care, Amelia tries to reassure them that she will be okay. "I am trained, I can take care of myself. Let's remember who took care of who here. I'm not old and fragile yet, I can do this"

Trying not to break down, Amelia leaves the table when there's a knock on the door. Following her, Hank gives her space, but lets her know that he's there.

"You really did now guys" Erin was upset that these boys were so stubborn. For the first time in a while, Erin was happy to open up to a woman. Justin, was quiet for most of the dinner "I don't see how you guys don't get fat around here, Amelia can really throw down"

Opening her front door, Amelia comes face to face with Commander Crowley. "Commander, is everything alright?"

Not wanting to interrupt the blended families first dinner, the commander brings tough news, "it's Tommy, he's in the hospital"

Not knowing who Tommy is to his partner, Hank grabs their coats and lets the nine knuckle heads know that they will be back soon.

All Amelia can think about is her sisters dying wish of taking care of Tommy. She couldn't help but feel down every time she thought about it.

All nine still sit at the table, "so, you guys wanna clean up and head to the game room?" Thankful that Kevin changed the topic, Jay quickly hops up and everyone soon falls in behind him.

"What's all in this game room?" Happy to let someone else see the room that they have been adding to since they were kids, Kelly is the first to lead them to the room.

"This isn't a just game room, this is a game palace"

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