Chapter 16: Hit me with em

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I wake up to a bumpy landing. Trying to stay calm, grab Henry's hand and snuggle closer to him. "Sorry about that folks, Welcome to the Big Island!"

Feeling nauseous, I head straight to the bathroom after getting off the plane. Hoping none of the kids noticed. Emptying my stomach, I take out my travel hygiene bag and brush my teeth. Deciding to take my medicine, I see Erin come in just as I was putting everything up.

"Is everything okay mom? Are you feeling well?" Trying to remember how me and Hank wanted to tell the kids, I reassure her that I am fine, "I have bad motion sickness, the landing triggered it for me"

Nodding, she grabs my hand and leads me back to everyone else. Seeing the boys, Erin quietly whispers that she won't tell anyone about the motion sickness.

Thanking her, I make my way over to Hank. "Does she know?" Shaking my head, "I told her I have bad motion sickness"


Amelia and Hank rented two Suburbans for this trip. In the car with Hank was, Kevin riding shotgun, Alejandro and Jay were sitting on the second row, and Adam, Justin, and Olive were on the third row.

In the car with Amelia was, Kelly riding shotgun, Erin and Jake sitting in the middle, and Will was sprawled out on the third row.

"Do you want me to drive mom?" Whispering quietly to his mother, Amelia tells Kelly that she is fine to drive.

As the group split up, Amelia starts to get dizzy again just from walking. Grabbing the hand of her oldest, "you drive, we might have to pull over at some point"

Agreeing with his mother, Kelly takes the keys from her and helps her into the passenger side. Hank notices this, but he gets a nod from Kelly.

Deciding to just bring it up later, Hank climbs in and waits for everyone to get settled. "I just got one question, why does Kevin get shotgun?" Not hesitating to give his answer to Adam, Kevin's my favorite, and he's not nosy like you Elijah"

Amelia was trying to put on a brave face and have fun with her kids on the way to the beach house. Holding back the urge to vomit, Amelia drinks more of the sprite trying to get a grip.

Everyone in the car beside her and Kelly was asleep, "we're almost there mom"giving her son a thumbs up, Amelia tries to focus on just making it there.

Rooms had already been picked out and everyone knew which one was theirs. Parking, Kelly runs over and helps his mother out. Grabbing her bags, he takes her right up to her and Hank's room.

Closing the door, Kelly makes his way back downstairs and to the SUV. Waking his siblings, they grab their bags and all go to their respected rooms.

Everyone in Hank's car was asleep. Surprisingly, they fell asleep listening to a murder mystery podcast. They all knew that this vacation meant no work, of any kind.

Pulling up to the house, they see that they are the last to arrive "Kelly was driving like a speed demon all the way, I didn't even know that a suburban could go that fast"

Knowing that the old of the pact probably sped so that Amelia could make it to the bathroom, Hank replies to Alejandro's comment and makes his way to his room.

Closing the door behind him, Hank finds Amelia in the master bathroom, with her head above the toilet. "Awe honey," too tired to do anything but cry, Amelia barely gets her sentence across "I wanted this to be a fun trip, I didn't want to be the Debbie downer"

Kissing the top of her head, Hank turns on the water. Leaving to get a pair of clothes, Hank comes back and helps Amelia into the bathtub. Taking care of her every need at that moment, Hank walks Amelia to their bed. "Get some rest, we'll go out and tell the kids tonight"

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